Maybe you or someone else can post it on reddit to see what comes back.
You know I got permanently suspended from that dump the same day you did, remember? They got you, me, and @aldabruzzo within an hour or two of each other. It's why we thought they were gunning for the WAATGM sub, but it appears to have been coincidence.
The big question is - how many sexual partners is too many for the average man?
I think it varies from man to man. I do know that Roosh managed to have too many, but he was in the hundreds if not thousands.
For all the talk about women's body counts
Ugh, don't call it "body count". That's for kills. Whatever happened to "notch count" or "N-count"?
I never hear anything about a man's. And at what age?
The few places I see/hear it discussed, it's the retards on YouTube who sully the Red Pill's good name. One retard said "30 by age 30" was the minimum, and mega-retard Myron Gaines said "100 by 30 or you ain't shit" or something equally arbitrary and retarded in an effeminate attempt to one-up initial retard.
The few serious discussions of it I've seen usually conclude that there is no minimum, the maximum varies from man to man, and quality is better than quantity although every man feels the impulse for quantity.
Read More@deeplydisturbed that would be quite the stunt for me to post that, considering that I've been permanently suspended from that dump of a site for years now
Shit, they got you, me, and @Aldabruzzo within hours of each other, remember?
Maybe some vcards will help jog your memory, old man.
clean up your act!
I cut and pasted the moderator list I found on the reddit site.
Ah. You won't see me, @deeplydisturbed, or @aldabruzzo on that list since we're all permanently suspended from reddit.
You won't see @woodsmoke on that list because he has a different username on reddit (BeholdTheHair if memory serves).
@polishknight @lurkerhasarisen Regarding the whole "strict prohibitions against picking on widows" thing: there was one notable exception, Dr. Kerry Kerr McAvoy, PhD, supposed "Christian", even more supposed "relationship expert", and widow.
Check out my stickied comment at @loneliness-inc's original post about her. His post really brought commenters' normally-suppressed white knight instincts out. Then check out these three posts about her from @aldabruzzo one, two, and three. Aldy deleted his reddit account back when he, @DeeplyDisturbed, and I all got permanently suspended from reddit within an hour or so of each other, which made his posts difficult to find on reddit. TheRedArchive comes through!
Just finding these again took a good chunk of my free time, so I didn't get to give them a thorough re-reading yet. I'll do that later for the nostalgia!
CC: @lurkerhasarisen @Vermillion-Rx
Read MoreMods would allow females to openly post "questions" and concerns, upvote their comments, and even sticky them for weeks or months for what reason, who fucking knows.
Dude, sometimes that shit's a great learning opportunity, and the responses aren't necessarily intended to help the woman (because she won't listen anyway), but rather educate male readers.
WAATGM had an link of one such post, which sheriff (RIP) and many others (including whatever username @Aldabruzzo was using at the time) replied to an attention-seeking 40-something woman who asked something like "is it too late for me to find a good man? I have ridden the cock carousel, but I'd like to settle down now. And yes, these are my tits".
This link was on the sidebar back when I first discovered WAATGM and was lurking before creating my reddit account. I tried to find it, but it seems either @Kevin32 or @moorekom removed it to make room for other, better links.
It is also where I saw you flaired as a dinner roll because of some Thanksgiving thing sheriff was doing.
The point I'm trying to make here, is that using women's own words is often a great way to educate men. That's why most WAATGM posts are from a woman's perspective, with us roasting her in the comments.
So what's your objection?
Additionally, in the modmail as well as other private mod discussions, I was frequently the lone voice speaking in favor of banning women on site the way MRP does. Where were you? Why didn't you speak up?
Read MoreI see where you're coming from, and the fact that she has IG may be a yellow flag (I've never had it, but I don't want to be one of those old geezers who thinks any social media activity is a disqualifier). But it seems to me that we're hanging this particular narrative on a pretty thin reed. I'll admit that the church girl may be influencing my thoughts.
I say that because we went to the same church for a long time, and she was the real deal. She was exactly the kind of woman I would have made a full-court press for when I was single.
I also understand that we're issuing warnings about what can (and often does) happen to guys who fall for chameleons, and I agree that nobody owes anyone a chance. Buuuuuut...
One of the things that separates us from incel and inspin fora is that we don't engage in criticism of a member of the opposite sex no matter what. We have always required the women to "tell on themselves" (for lack of a better term). That's the entire point of Rule 5. If a woman makes a dating profile wherein she's dressed modestly and isn't a raging bitch or an obvious cc-rider, and we peg her as a chameleon who's going to go feral once the alimony is locked in, we should base that on something more than the fact that she has a social media account and expresses a bit of frustration about meeting men who don't follow hundreds of e-sluts. That's honestly a pretty basic request in those circles.
Granted, her age puts her in the "secondary" market for women who want to be TradWives, and that's a legitimate yellow flag, but it's hardly definitive. If we create unfalsifiable assumptions that amount to, "If she breathes she's a THOT," we deserve to be compared to bitter incels.
That's why I suggested some sort of consensus on how much evidence of thottery is enough. I'm not suggesting a courtroom standard for a criminal conviction, but before we showcase a woman as an example of someone to be avoided we should be able to articulate why we say that... and if we're not going to require that a woman "tell on herself" we should be able to clearly and convincingly articulate why we think she falls into that category.
Oh well, the worm-can is open... might as well loop everyone in:
@loneliness-inc, @deeplydisturbed, @melkorhimself, @impressive-cricket-8, @goodmansaysfuckyou, @houseoftolstoy, @aldabruzzo, @Land_of_the_losers, @ogrilla99, @sleepyweaselisawake, @woodsmoke
Read Moreeven the askmen subreddit is full of really bad gay ass advice about women.
I think that's the sub where @aldabruzzo caught his permanent suspension from reddit.
2y ago The Hub
RPS had the right of it in my opinion - you generated attraction but not much comfort. That, and sometimes it just doesn't work out for whatever reason.
2y ago The Hub
I'm not an MRA because MRAs want systemic solutions and systemic changes. MRAs want and advocate for and plan for legislative reform. Personally, I think legislation would be a good idea; but none of it will ever see the light of day because no one wants it and no one wants to advocate for men as a group.
The Red Pill is about individual men finding individual solutions, and that's the way to go.