I've known this girl for over 20 years but only online. She visited me one time when I was living with my parents in college. During Christmas she reached out and told me that she wished that we fucked when she was there and once I affirmed to her that I would have liked that too we started exchanging some pretty dirty messages back and forth. She then would reach out to me and ask me how my day was going and I made sure each conversation ended on a sexual note. She also told me about some of her problems, which, given that I'm her friend, I allowed her to do. My assumption is that this backfired and she stopped reaching out to me so much by the end of January. We were supposed to fuck in March but she said she is going "on a ski trip" so we scheduled for April. Worth noting that up until yesterday she never discussed dates, just a vague confirmation that we'll hang in March or, later on, April
I reached out in mid February with "hey how's it going, how's x going" type of message but she didn't respond for almost two weeks. She reached out yesterday with a shit test: "been avoiding discord, are you green or blue text" which I defused with a sex joke and then told her to give me her number and to tell me when she's coming to see me in April. She told me she is now going on another trip so April is now out which prompted me to respond irregularly with minimal amounts of words as I realized game was now necessary. This dread seemed to work as she would hit me with multiple lines of text including her number. We then planned out the 3rd attempt (which I don't think is actually going to happen) for June. No sex talk happened
My question is: in between now and then I plan on sending sex themed memes once or twice a week to keep the connection alive and keep it sexual. We've exchanged them before. I've never had to game a chick over text for this long until we supposedly fuck. Thoughts?
Twenty years an online friend? Seriously?
Consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
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