1h ago The Hub
@Baron No psychologist in the world can answer this question. Its likely a combination of both. Lovebombing usually comes from emotionally unstable person. One day they can feel very intense and real emotions, call you soulmate and wanting to spend life with you, just to block you out of the blue next day.
Take it from experienced guy - NEVER take lovebombing serious, and never fall for it. It can have devastating consequences for receiver as well. For your own good, be indifferent to it.
Learning about this should be mandatory for any player, since a lot of women exhibit these traits.
1d ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx I guess Im fkd up. I usually date them. Currently going through lovebombing phase with one. Luckily I know when to cut her loose (immediately after devalue phase begins)
3d ago TheRedPill
@satan_junior If they are feminine to me or generally, I do enjoy them. And like/love also. If they are (like 90% nowadays) a man trapped in female body, I dont even notice them, and have zero interest whatsoever. Secually or otherwise. Masculine women are literally to me what bottom 20% are to women. Invisible.
1w ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx When a ho says she likes nice guys what sje really means she likes when some asshole is nice to her sometimes.. For every time I am nice to a girl, I try to be an asshole at least twice. Seems to be perfect ratio. 3 to 1 goes as well.
1w ago The Hub
@First-light Nobody spins plate forever..especially if she really likes you, she will push for more. Try but beware of usual traps..dont suddenly start to believe in unicorns amd never forget if she breathes, shes a ho
2w ago The Man-Hood
@SteinitzX In my experience men worry much more about dick size then women. I never had any dick shaming. Anyway..
..lets get to numbers. I am average sized, 6 inches and not too thick (except when on cute blue pills).
I slept with numerous women, and almost all of them kept coming back for more. Two women were not happy with size, and I om ok with it (happy as in I dont give a fuck). Other 70 were happy.
If you ask me, three things are important: that she likes the owner of the dick, that dick works, and that you know what are you doing sexually and try to please whoever you are fucking. Except size queens, every women will be happy with this.
And whoever wants to shame you..will find a a reason.
3w ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv I think just as some men dont always like to hear high n count neither do women. If it seems she is insecure I rather lower the number. And before sex I dont disclose it anyway. I also dont ask.
I dont know myself..this interface is confusing for me Im not sure who Im replying to