1d ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx Women need a man in her life. If they dont have one, they turn to God. After all he is a man, and I would argue his SMV is pretty high.
Jokes aside, women are desperate to have that "someone" in her life. Women need love and attention. Desperately. Mix up that love with a bit off an asshole game, a bit of dread game, fuck her right, and she will love you immensely.
2d ago The Hub
@Love2travelbrah Dude it tells me she was emotionally hurt and went to safety (her family). Part about her fucking other men is probably in your head only (for now).
I dont know background of this argument. But I would point out that you told her to leave, she did not leave on her own.
But if your relationship is so fragile, ask yourself is it worth bringing it back in life? Especially after this.
5d ago The Hub
@redpillschool or to put it in a more simple way, its not the same to fuck and to be fucked
5d ago The Hub
@redpillschool Men can fuck without any kind of emotional response. Women cant. Its simple biology. 100% agreed
1w ago The Hub
@theBoss Many women fuck up their lives one way or another. On their own but also under influence of a man. Some men do as well, but its really common among women.
You can try, but likely nothing that you can do. Also two things to remember:
its her life, not yours. You can try to talk her once I guess, but after that probably u should mind ur own bussines.
- you dont know if there is other side of the story as well
1w ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx Any kind of often indugelment in night life will leave consequences. Even without night game and chasing skirts.
I have never understood need to go out to pay expensive entrance, listen to bad music, drug yourself with overpriced drinks, and hit on entitled chicks. Night life is where all the scam goes.
Even more so lately with rampant narcissism and psychopathy in both men and women. Staying out after midnight is almost asking for trouble.
One question for nightgamers: why do you go for the chicks that way, when its literally when your chances are lowest? Would you not like to maximize success and minimize strain?
2w ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv Realistically, it is not going to happen. I can not imagine what kind of geopolitical turbulence would have to happen in order to do it.
But if there is a start, I would start by banning feminism in its current form. Cut the funding, censor organisations, push them away. Just like they did to us.
Without these organisations a lot less women would vote, because by themselves they dont have much interest in politics. Usually it takes external factor to get them to vote.
2w ago The Hub
@999canaveral Or we can just remove womens voting rights again. Most of them vote based on how they feel that day, on what someone tells to them (mainstream media), on how the guy looks and so on. I am not a women hater (opposite) but in my ideal world thats probably not coming back, women dont get to vote and they are just marginally involved in work force.
Giving them right to vote was a mistake, and thats what every honest women will say as well.