@Lionsmane8 @destraht was right about this place, ultimately.
There once was a contingent of users that would make something of the decline. Posting articles, sharing insights etc. One by one they were brow beaten into not bothering anymore until it got quieter and quieter and now it's the irrelevant just-so backwater we see now. Hiding content is a redditism, an unintentional bug stemming from that measure is just schadenfreude.
Maybe if you season your posts with how getting revenge on the je- zionists will get you a queue of wet pussy you might ignite a spark in the vacant stares of these empty golems.
My favorite new thing is @destraht using /t/wallstreetbets to journal all of his DIY house and farm projects.
@redpillschool From this I assume your advisor/lawyer's name ends in stein or berg.
So just to clarify, you're concerned about the targeting of jews? Do I need to call them zionists or reptilians to make it more palatable? What precisely is the concern? Is it about jews? Is it about one topic being repeated? Would you have a problem if we ragged on the Arabs consistently?
Please be crystal clear so that I know if is compromised to an iota of jew interest.
Unfortunately for you, jewish meddling has infected so many aspects of our lives that a solution like 'hiding a tribe from default' wouldn't work. 5th gen warfare is simply about revealing jewish schemes in our culuture. Wallstreet bets is about exposing jewish trickery in markets. The dark winter is about exposing jewish schemes in politics. It's fake is about showing jewish bullshit.
That looks like hard luck if you then want to white wash it and not mention the jews.
You could always tell us to shut up about the jews and keep it to @destraht Jquery tribe.
Have a holocaust questioning meme.
Read More1y ago Tech Talk
As someone who owns a mini PC they are actually extremely good for running basic work-related programs and are actually pretty dang fast compared to laptops in my experience with it
I can't tolerate this fiddling with trivialities while the ship sinks. The more relevant the matters, the less conversation about it that is compensated with HR creeping platitudes. I've gotten the message loud and clear about where we are in the current crisis cycle. This is my cue to disappear.
If anyone is in the market for a $100 PC for anything, then this is one hell of a computer. Think of it like an extremely fast Rasperry Pi, and not as a real desktop that you'd want to have. When you account for Rasperry Pi not coming with a SD card, nor a case then this is becoming quite a good deal. It's basically just larger, faster and more power hungry. It's still just a power sipper though. It shouldn't really matter for anything.
1y ago The Dark Winter
@Antelope Germany's collapsing industrial base has been coordinated with this rollout. It's likely that German leaders didn't complain too much about Nordstream because they're all in on this plan. I mean that centralized biometric services in Germany and other EU states will become much more necessary because the people will be more desperate.
While I'm on it, I want to take this moment to give some special thanks to the EU for making me accept the cookies of every website that I visit. That has improved my quality of life a lot. It all used to be so wild and unruly before. This is one of the rare times when the nanny state really got it right.