@dr_warlock I agree with many of your premises about the role of psychology. I too don't think that "find a psychologist" is a solution to life problems, as is the modem western mantra.
I once read that the cure to alcoholism is not to abstain from all alcohol for all your life; it's to be able to enjoy a glass socially with your friends every now and then. That's my take about porn. Extreme abstention is fine if it works for some guys, but the "healthy" individual wouldn't need extreme abstention.
..the problem being, of course, that "healthy" for men is mighty difficult. E.g. for a guy in a "healthy" LTR, there's the Coolidge effect. Not many are in a position to get a side chick, so porn might be an ok outlet. So, porn is not a definite road to addiction.
Read More3y ago The Hub
@adam-l this whole article is BS. To come from you is dissapointing.
Notice how they say your best solution is to see a therapist not to stop porn or question the components of the system.
"How to Address The Real Issues of Porn [...] Find a psychosexual and relationship therapist who is sex-positive and doesn’t work with the addiction framework."
Industry doesn't seek to cure the individual and help them escape from the system, only to keep them in the machine by only treating symptoms and cough up more money. Media serves higher interests not the readers. It absolutely is an addiction for many people. I don't care what medical communities classify it as, who are themselves corrupted by big pharma and rockefellers. They make up so many bullshit conditions to justify medication and treatment (pharma) and their own existence. It is a super stimuli, dopamine spiker acquired with no effort that rewires your brain and makes real women less desirable to the point many cannot orgasm and get erect to real normal womn and sex.
How can you use 'studies' and MSM as backup when we know full well that the manosphere has proven phenomenon by popular experience across almost every age, race, nationality, height, and socio economic status that has been denied and shamed by virtually every major entity in existence. Things that we see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears. Porn is one of those things. Sure there are often issues that led to the pursuit of porn but doesn't negate the very real effects of porn itself.
Doctors and paidoff brainwashed academics are the new catholic priests and Jewish Pharisees that try to be the middlemen to truth so they can make you do and think whatever benefits their position and the power and might of the church.
Read More3y ago The Hub
@Fawk_Face The real problem occurs when you've been watching insta-online porn since the beginning of puberty instead of magazines/posters and forced to talk to real women like literally every prior generation of human existence. Porn programming your brain with degeneracy at the beginning of your male development and encouraging laziness. Something only recently possible with the invention of the cellphone and internet. What should be worrisome is now becoming normalized as older generations die off and people forget history
Access to easy dopamine spiking activities + purposefully generated social/legal animosity between genders + inflation/wage stagnation preventing boys from becoming surplus producing citizens for a family = porn, its like and the effects. No incentives or pressure to do otherwise.
Read More3y ago The Hub
@AFTSOV 'Sigma male' is a low status fantasy created by the social/female rejects of society. Fantasy as in delusion, verifiably false. The rules of the game don't work for them so they try to change it so they win. Hence the rationalized james bond sigma male circle jerk. It needs to die.
5y ago The Hub
@dr_warlock RPS said a download was in the works, but it's probably lower priority than getting the forums up.
5y ago The Hub
Any know a site or have a script that can download your whole post and comment history and put it in a pdf word doc format?
Someone showed me one awhile back but it was missing a lot.
@dr_warlock Interesting. Maybe they're tweaking something in the background and accidentally made a mistake that reveals what they were doing...