3y ago The Hub
@slutmagazine I have 2 kids and I want more. I have had two businesses. One "failed" because I got cancer and had to close it cause I had nobody I could really rely on to run it. The other, I was working 100+ hours a week on. I am by no means Elon Musk wealth. I started off homeless at fucking 16 years old dude.
I have zero issues providing for them financially. I am doing very well financially, but would not consider myself wealthy. It took years of hard work and fucking grinding and it is still a grind.
I just turned 34. Yes, the world is hard and not fair. Shit sucks. Get over it. People can change the world. People do it all the time in a negative way. Find a way to add positivity.
3y ago The Hub
@slutmagazine Oh god dude. Stop whining. This is the kind of shit that turns men's communities into shit shows. The other thing is them attacking each other, like what is going on in the recent youtube drama.
At the end of the day, if you hate it so much, go and do something about it. Make that your passion. Whining on a forum isn't going to do anything to resolve the issue.
3y ago The Hub
@Dr_Cockasaurus What do you do for work? Are you a teacher or something? LOL
3y ago The Hub
@slutmagazine The age of consent where I am in 16. There is a politician here who is known for picking up women at 16, getting them pregnant and then having them be his sugar baby for the rest of time. He has at least a dozen like this...
3y ago The Hub
@TiberiusBravo87 Thanks, but that isn't really the point of the question. I am looking for YOUR experiences, not advice.
3y ago The Hub
2 Questions for the boys.
1) From the time you went on a first date, how long was it til your girl(s) asked you to be exclusive? 2) What are all the direct and indirect (passive aggressive?) ways a chick has done the "Where are we" talk?