@slutmagazine Media nowadays can not come close to even recognizing that women could, maybe, somewhere in the distance have some flaws and weaknesses. No wonder 80% of women are on medication, alcohol, or both, depressed, and have emotional problems. A lot of emotional problems. The narrative wrecked them so hard, I almost feel sorry for them.
@slutmagazine I think a strong father also plays a role. Most of decent women I knew had a strong father figure at home. Actually when I think better about it - my 3 long term relationships were all with girls which had strong father.
Nowadays it is either single mom, or spineless father..both cases, you have spoiled women.
DAE see the connection?
@slutmagazine Well I do not know if it is necessary to lock them away*. For me they were just fine before smartphones and dating apps.
*but it cant be too bad either
@Dr_Cockasaurus I did never ever based my feelings of self worth based on what women think about me. I actually think evaluating self worth based on womens opinion is deepest root cause of all nice guys, simps, chumps, and rest of their buddies, as well as source of a lot of suffering. I mean, at least here we know how women are. I love them, but how can someone possibly base their self worth on womens opinion? And as you say more so today.
On that note, I guess it was 1000 times I fucked a women who thought I was complete moron and utter idiot.
How do yo feel about lack of night life in corona pandemic and how do you think it affects players and girls? I never liked clubs or night life in general, up to age of 28 I went few times a year somewhere, but after that not even that. Bars are ok, but I rarely stay after midnight (except when I worked as DJ and a doorman in college).
In Germany clubs are were closed and I have seen so many women on work changing their personalities for 180 degrees after night life was shut down. From your average thot they went to a relationship material..as clubs reopened, they went from back to basic thot mode. It is incredible how they change without so much attention..I guess they had to face the reality, because out there they are being put on pedestal..because most of guys going to club are stupid suplicating simps.. take all of that BS away, close the clubs and venues, and she has to face the reality: she is not so interesting (not to mention she looks differently without make up, heels and pushup).
Reminds me of parallel I have noticed years ago (I am 33, still remember time when I had to call a girl on land line, and talk to her parents first!!), with facebook, instagram and later online dating becoming popular: you could SEE with your naked eyes how women personalities changed!! If you took pleasant, decent girl, and gave her a smartphone, after six months you would be talking to arrogant bitch (and her notch count probably went 800% higher). That was 10+ years ago..situation now is dramatically worse.
As a side note, I have a rule: if she is frequenting clubs/bars more then like once a month, she will never be considered relationship material. We all know why. Going out drunk from a club at 3AM is kind of very low point in life (unless you are younger, in which case of course we all have to go through that phase..)
There are few players on my job as well, it was funny to see how these guys life is almost non existent without night life. Poor souls spent almost all of their time on Tinder, trying to compensate for lack of ability to go out. I do not think much of player-type of a guy, so maybe I am being overly critical here..however you could SEE something is missing. When everything closes at 9PM suddenly they are not so loud and confident. It is almost as if their whole life and self worth was based on ability to get the latest player-haircut and go after women in a club, measuring success in how much women they fooked.
Anyway, do you have any observations?
Read More@NeoSpartan dunno man, I like them just being natural and not eating like a hippo. my ex did some ass exercises, it was ok but I generally dont like it. I like how women are soft and weak when you touch them. lifting weights takes that softness away..
@Chantfire How do you feel seeing women in the gym lately? Powerwalking, deadlifting, flexing biceps..I find it disgusting!! Jesus, if I wanted as man I would probably be gay. I see manly women probably like they see nice guys..not neccesary, irritating, but tolerable, and definitely not attractive.
To the black guy with a chair and crazy woman.
Fuck the chair. I am in Germany which is way behind US when it comes to the matter, and I nearly lost a job because I called girl a slut. Based on her WORDS AND WORDS ONLY without ANY evidence whatsoever I was looking at 12 months jail time, destroyed reputation, and lifelong ban on working in my profession. It stressed me a lot, I had to find extremely good lawyer, process duration was around 6 months, and cost was around 2200 euros.
Thanks God I did not made a mistake of talking to police after I received invitation. As I said US is worse..in your case I would RIGHT NOW open the case with a lawyer and made a few official statements about what happened before anything happens. It will save you later.
And my case? If this covid19 cause some kind of global anarchy, bitch is dead. Maybe not, but I WILL get my money back.
Read More3y ago The Dark Winter
To the black guy with a chair and crazy woman.
Fuck the chair. I am in Germany which is way behind US when it comes to the matter, and I nearly lost a job because I called girl a slut. Based on her WORDS AND WORDS ONLY without ANY evidence whatsoever I was looking at 12 months jail time, destroyed reputation, and lifelong ban on working in my profession. It stressed me a lot, I had to find extremely good lawyer, process duration was around 6 months, and cost was around 2200 euros.
Thanks God I did not made a mistake of talking to police after I received invitation. As I said US is worse..in your case I would RIGHT NOW open the case with a lawyer and made a few official statements about what happened before anything happens. It will save you later.
And my case? If this covid19 cause some kind of global anarchy, bitch is dead.
Read More3y ago The Dark Winter
@redpillschool Germany here..limited to work and grocery shopping. Work actually provided only if I test myself negative DAILY.