@Vermillion-Rx lmaooo tbh I’ve had the “oh we’re not having sex tn” shit before idk it just caught me a bit off guard never had a girl say some shit like that to me that I’ve literally smashed like many times in the past haha
@Vermillion-Rx bro is always trying to bully me on god fr
2mo ago RP Memes
@Vermillion-Rx the fuckin accuracy lmaooo going home for break; there was this absolute rocket I wanted to smash in hs and she was one of the only chicks that rejected me back then. she hits me up often but is just a fat cunt now; I’m still fit as fuck. Yuck
2mo ago The Hub
@deeplydisturbed as a semi retired reefer importer and exporter I think I have a solution regarding anonymity: cash in the mail. I’ve done it successfully w 10s of thousands of dollars; I really don’t think a couple bucks in the mail would be that bad.
can use a prepaid visa gift card (purchased with cash) to pay for the shipping.
Boom problem solved
2mo ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx toxic masculinity (or masculinity is toxic), straight white male, ummmm homophobic, tax the rich, Andrew Tate/andrew tate supporter, man whore, slut shamer, non vegan, idk starting to grasp at straws here
2mo ago The Hub
the show two men and a half is lowkey the best contrast between blue pill/red pill lmaooo