Why does Stoicism get pushed around in the Manosphere so much?
I refuse to believe that TRP fell for the new age marketing revival of this god awful philosophy.
3y ago Entrepreneur
@jprdl No it's not a great side hustle.
One of the phantom factors to profit acquisition is the providing of value - the cases where money is made by not providing value are exceptions and not the rule.
Where in drop shipping do you provide value?
You're not going to make money on the side by being an Alibaba middleman.
3y ago Entrepreneur
@jeunpeun99 Do your best to stay away from dropshipping. There is no such thing as easy money.
3y ago The Man-Hood
This place active?
By the looks of it, it's pretty deserted.
Really shows how a great chunk of the manosphere is focused outward onto women.
@twentycharachterlimi It's banned, The people at the top have an interest in keeping /pol/acks wallowing in misery so they will self-contain themselves within their board without any intervention. This is why it gets banned every time it is posted. /fit/'s fasting general is where you need to be.
3y ago Red Pilled Turks
Burda Türkcemi yoksa İngilizcemi konuşuyoruz? Do we speak Turkish or English Here?
Kemalizm'i ülkemize nasıl geri getirebiliriz? How can we bring Kemalism back to our country?