@Fawking_Gay And when we found the wreckage... there were two big missile shells and both of them had giant flagpoles with 30' Russian flags waving out of them.
@fumbor I'll be your therapist for free.
Step 1. Do something extremely different than what you've been doing in order to change your perspective and get different results. Your problem is that you don't like women, and you resent them instead of accepting them for who and what they are.
For example...
Date a 5/6, get to know her, go all in with time and attention. Figure out 10 things you like about her even though she's chugly. Bang her if you want or don't. After 5 or 6 dates, when she starts to escalate. Tell her you really like her but just want to be friends.
- Find a whore that is extremely giving and service oriented, but not that attractive. Take her to dinner a few times and get to know her and what makes her tick. Get your dick wet if you feel like it. Keep talking to her and try to stay friends.
Step 2. Experiment at being a different person with a bunch of different girls. This takes volume, and always start with the assumption that nothing is going to work out... just observe and take notes.
- Try super high levels of attention. (Texting/calling several times a day.)
- Try acting super sexually aggressive (go for third-base on a coffee date).
- Try acting super needy.
- Try acting super emotional.
- Try acting super charming.
- Try acting super funny.
- Try acting super manipulative. (Guilting... shaming... accusing, etc.)
- Try being a raging asshole.
- Try being a super douche and talking about gym PRs and the sports car you used to drive.
- Try being loud, vivacious, and uncooth.
Basically, experiment with all the personas you can... and then realize that all of these personas are actually you. You have all of that shit inside you, you're just too much of a wet blanket to let them out. All of these personas are your untapped potential. You are capable of giving an amazing elevator pitch, speaking to an audience of thousands, and telling the hottie at the grocery store that you think her broccoli looks cute. You are capable of saving orphaned kittens, and stealing candy from babies.You just need to climb out of the cage that you've put yourself in.
Read More2y ago The Dark Winter
@NightwingTRP The truth is that only insurrectionists are allowed to say what's happening with our voting. But if you ask me... the same people that voted for Lula and Castro, voted for Fetterman and Stretchin' Gretchen... and the only state whose voting results matched the exit polls was the state that took extreme measure to curb election fraud, after decades of well-documented and well-reported cheating.
2y ago The Dark Winter
@slutmagazine There are many causes. "Quantitative Easing" is one of the main causes. Proponents at the fed have long argued that since the dollar is the world's fiat currency, that "easing" can effectively be absorbed globally with minimal. In that vein, the fed secretly created a $4.5T repo loan to megabanks at the end of 2019, and hid it for two years until it finally landed as a reporting footnote. The total zero interested loans were a functional bank ballout to the tune of $28T, covering 2005-2019, but in 2019 they converted the $4.5T in loans so that they would never repayed. tokenist.com/fed-finally-identifies-banks-received-4-5t-q4-2019-repo-program/
This is money skimmed off of every dollar you have saved and converted directly into money for the bankers and inflationary forces.
Your elites hate you and want you dead or broke and powerless. They've been making big moves. After the banking crash of 2008. JPMorgan Chase market cap grew from $60B to $471B in a about a decade. Blackrock and Vanguard now control $17T in assets. Just to compare. The GDP of the third biggest economic superpower is Japan at $4.9T. CEO Larry Fink ($10T) has more economic power than all but two nations on earth (U.S. $23T and China $19T), but because his power is concentrated and nearly absolute, it is billions of times more powerful than the economic force any US or Chinese bureaucrat can bring to bear. They are continuing to rob you blind. In 2019, the 1% of the world's richest controlled 33% of world's assets. In 2022, they control 55%. The biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world occurred during COVID. It was a legal robbery that eviscerated the wealth and by proxy the political power of the middle class.
Every day you survive this apocalypse, you get closer to living in as a podling in a drawer sipping soylent and eating bbq flavored mealworms. You have two choices: acquire billions, play the game and join the WEF, or live as slaves.
Read More2y ago The Dark Winter
@hannulv Very well outlined. Mmm that’s some good mental definition, I can see the despair on the podling’s faces. Bravo!
2y ago The Dark Winter
@destraht RE: WEF - Happy Life
To me this is where the future is at. In 1649, Christianity failed in its longstanding virtue as slave morality when England beheaded Charles I, crushing divine right and the Christian doctrine of extreme submission to authority, and paving the way for the enlightenment. Ever since, the elites have been looking for a new slave morality that could truly subjugate the masses, and result in voluntary slave asceticism. While communism is the closest thing divined, the Chinese perfected it by dropping the self-defeating economic constraints of marxism and allowing for a merchant class of party loyalists.
Western thinkers want something more advanced. They want an illusionary democracy backed by absolute government power, coupled with with universal multiculturalism (to break all community bonds), the destruction of stable families, massive depopulation and an ethic of anti-consumption. The globalist wet dream is a podling sleeping in a drawer connected to a VR headset, hiking Mt. Kilamanjaro in the metaverse while sipping a tube of soylent and bug juice. The bungled and the botched would produce enough economic output to keep themselved nutrified and medicated, while the rest could be skimmed off for the ubermenschen to jet around to parties and fuck child sex slaves, before exsanguinating them to keep youthful.
Automation will serve to replace almost all manual labor, and prisoners can do the rest. Bread and circus, coupled with hopeless oppression through a social credit system is enough to ensure no podling ever rocks the boat. Everything necessary to keep him docile will be supplied. And who could survive if they were blocked from accessing their endless supply of dopamine meds, porn (for those who still had libidos), social connection, banking, and shared infrastructure. You can work your whole life doing spreadsheet and save up for a million dollar pair a virtual Lebron James sneakers to impress your friends as you shit yourself in your saline/nutrient tub-drawer stacked 500 people high in a giant warehouse powered by solar panels.
And you will be a good person. And the WEF will be happy.
Read More@revenant www.fitgenic.com/nitric-oxide-supplements-weight-lifting/
The main benefit is improved blood flow (and increased oxygen) in muscles which allows you to get more volume in a set before you switch to anaerobic respiration, but it does aid with recovery as well.
There are a few vitamins/supplements that are amazing:
Injectable L-Carnitine (Dramatically improves energy capacity for lifting & cardio) (Worthless to eat) Injectable or Sublingual B12 (Dramatically increases energy capacity for lifting & cardio) Creatine (Moderately increases lift capacity) L-Citruline or Beet Juice (Dramatically increases NO2 for lift/cardio capacity, and dick hardness) Cacao Powder (Relaxes blood vessels, improves erections and lowers BP) Beta Alanine (Dramatically improves DOMS recovery time) Carditone (Lowers BP) Zinc (Libido, Immune system) VitD (Libido, Immune system) NAC (Liver Detox, Immune System) (Makes you fart rotten eggs) Potassium & Magnesium if you are on any sort of cut, low carb, or low variety diet.
Test shit out, some stuff is only worthwhile when you're on a hard cut and your energy levels are shot. But some stuff is probably worth taking daily. At the olympics, all the athletes piss purple because of the performance enhancing effects of beet juice.
None of these will put on muscle like gear. But some will help manage the effects of putting on muscle or cutting, and give you more potential to increase weight.
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