@Vermillion-Rx Looks like they rested in their graves this time, I never believed we could do this but seems like we redpilled politics
My boy is using AI to shorten his responses to women when text-gaming.
This new breed of alphas will be interesting
"alpha males is a disproven theory"
Suddenly I realize where the phrase "shut up nerd" is actually applicable.
@SwarmShawarma With men you need to pass off serious topics as a joke to give them plausible deniability. I make funny remarks about the stupid shit women say and do all the time and the betas will decide to "just disagree" because they can't argue the point but still can't stop themselves from smiling.
It also covers the part that you should not preach to anyone, about anything. The lowest emotional state you should allow yourself to show to anyone except maybe your 1-3 closest male friends is "annoyed".
The ones who can relate will pick up on the jokes without feeling the need to challenge you, and the rest of them should be discarded.
"Bromosexual" - a biological male who spends his time and energy exclusively on other biological males he can trust
No but seriously, we need a term for this because it will be more effective than telling men not to waste their time and energy on women.
I've started reading the comment section of the (established) fake news outlets of my country, and almost every top comment sounds like it's coming from the alt-right or is just straight up Red Pill Theory. Feminist boomers with a hard-on for being offended are completely destroyed by guys who look like alpha males by their profile pictures.
It's starting to feel like a white boy summer!
...to know that when you hear a woman use that term, that she's almost certainly going to turn out to behave like a feminist bitch in her treatment of you.
True, but around my parts that's just par for the course. I'd advise dropping them if you have better options, but when every woman in reasonable distance is a feminist bitch you need to learn how to deal with it.
11mo ago The Hub
Explaining things to a woman that she already knows only tells her that you are not smart enough to recognize what she knows and doesn't.
I've known many women (my sainted Mother included) who expected men around them to recognize telepathically what she knows and doesn't, but more importantly, how she feels at a given moment.
"Mansplaining" is useful as a concept
...to know that when you hear a woman use that term, that she's almost certainly going to turn out to behave like a feminist bitch in her treatment of you.
"Mansplaining" is useful as a concept to describe how men sometimes "explain away" their chances with a woman. If you feel like explaining anything at all to a woman (you shouldn't), wait until she asks. Explaining things to a woman that she already knows only tells her that you are not smart enough to recognize what she knows and doesn't.
Using arbitrary numbers with women like point systems and percentages is a great strategy because women have no innate ability to come up with these numbers or systems on their own. Just like a regular guy trapped in an emotional discussion they will have poor defense and no way to fire back.
Overdoing it could make you sound like a nerd though, so be careful.