5y ago Married Red Pill
@LP69 - I believe when they say "hold frame", they are meaning maintain your composure. Don't let a situation emotionally provoke you to the point that lose your self control and composure. Stay in control of yourself, that way you don't act out badly and do something you'll regret later.
Frame is also related to stoicism. Being stoic doesn't mean being emotionless, it means controlling your emotions and not displaying them, instead acting in a way that is best for a situation while not displaying emotions, or with minimal emotional display.
None of this means emotions are bad. You'll have them, good and bad. Happiness, anger, sadness, guilt, etc. The key is to not let them rule you. Instead you rule over them. I think especially in recent years, the blue pill programming to be in touch with emotions, display them, etc. - horrible advice for a man. It's okay to feel, it's just not okay to let what you feel drive you to make bad decisions and undertake counter productive actions.
So in summary, frame = composure.
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