2w ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx Yep. I have found that I do not miss Reddit one bit ever since this platform exists. It is easy to avoid temptation when it does not really even tempt you (would that even be considered temptation then?). The fact that they track what each user upvotes does not surprise me.
It's a bit outside what's normally discussed, but I'll allow it
Rule 5, in its entirety, but with what makes this post fit in bold:
Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy".
While there's zero evidence that any woman quoted in there is slutty or a single mom or even unreasonable/entitled (it actually reads like a legit lament from their perspective), I think it lends itself well to a discussion of how feminism coupled with affirmative action keeping men down to help women up has led to this situation.
It therefore fits rule 5, and doesn't have to wait for the weekend.
Side note: the link cut off the bottom of the article. I recommend using instead, or that textise one you linked is fine (though it's preferable to see it with pictures, etc)
CC: @moorekom, @lurkerhasarisen, @woodsmoke, @goodmansaysfuckyou, @houseoftolstoy, @Impressive-Cricket-8, @deeplydisturbed, @Land_of_the_losers, @Kevin32 (did I miss anyone recently active?)
Read More@Vermillion-Rx @redpillschool what we have at WAATGM is fine for now, but having the option to adjust it would be nice
CC: @moorekom, @goodmansaysfuckyou, @lurkerhasarisen, @woodsmoke, @houseoftolstoy, @Impressive-Cricket-8, @deeplydisturbed, @kevin32
First of all, excellent find. Prime WAATGM material right there.
However, we need to fix some things.
1) judging by your post at reddit and how it displays the image hosted here, at your post on the WAATGM tribe on, rather than a link to a post at the WAATGM forum at as required by this announcement here, it seems you misunderstood the posting requirements. Apologies if it was confusing/unclear.
2) while you censored her face just fine and most of her personal info just fine, there's a small part of her name visible near the little green heart. Additionally, as per this announcement here, which was also crossposted to reddit here, the text content of screenshots need to have portions that make it relevant to WAATGM underlined, circled, or otherwise highlighted to get around copyright restrictions (Fair Use - commentary).
Since this is probably a bit of a pain in the ass and learning curve for you, I modified the screenshot for you. Please download and post to the WAATGM forum, and crosspost the link for that post to the subreddit.
Please also take down the one you currently have at reddit, or if one of my fellow WAATGM mods who still has reddit access sees this before OP does, would one of you please remove it at reddit.
CC: @moorekom, @lurkerhasarisen, @houseoftolstoy, @woodsmoke, @Impressive-Cricket-8, @Kevin32
Read More4mo ago The Dark Winter
Election day coming! Will we get another 4 years of this board being relevant or will we be able to retire it?
I guess we will have to see who is "elected" tomorrow. Or several days/weeks later when they figure out how to "find" enough votes count all the votes in all the battleground states.
If Trump is "elected," I suspect they will ramp up war efforts and aggressively propagandize the zoomers so they have more troops to send to the meat grinder. If Kamala is "elected," we are going to get more of the same, though possibly some worse crap as they will claim that "the country has spoken" and we will get a major ramping up of DEI policies shoved down on everyone.
So here we go again!
@woodsmoke Not a fun way to start the day, but it is good that you are still alive. Do your best to recover and take care of yourself.
@Typo-MAGAshiv @deeplydisturbed, @houseoftolstoy, @Impressive-Cricket-8, @Land_of_the_losers, @moorekom, @MelkorHimself, @ogrilla99, @woodsmoke
I barely have words, and that’s rare for me. There’s enough material for an entire RP doctoral thesis in there somewhere. That woman and the women like her (of which there are far too many) is broken and jaded beyond repair in the absence of Divine Intervention.
She sounds like a meth-head describing her addiction in a moment of sobriety.
7mo ago The Dark Winter
@woodsmoke The problem with a lot of the loosely entwined alliances that many on the left make with various immigrant groups is that they have nothing really uniting them in common other than their current opposition to the native right wing people of that country. Sure, the immigrants will vote for leftist politicians in order to get more benefits and more of their people in the country, but they do not care one bit about supporting the ideaology of the left. If/when the native right wing population is overtaken in any way (be in by number, power, or any other category), the loose unity will unwravel very quickly and there is going to be conflict. How that conflict will exactly play out, I do not know. But I really doubt that the leftists looking to seize power are going to get their vision fulfilled when groups such as Muslims will absolutely not support LGBTLMNOP ideology one bit.
So even if the left wins, that "win" will be short lived and will be overturned by whatever other group (or groups) are large enough to assert their own power and vision. In essence they would be "conservative" in their values, but not in the way the American Right are conservative. Rather, it will be conservative in keeping and maintaining the values they already had before.
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