3y ago Red Pill Me
@Savup1827 Hey, don't expect this chick for her to rip off her clothes and say fuck me on the gym floor just because you complaint her on her body and asked for her number
My suggestion is to move on and find another girl, you seem to have the confidence down, do not let that dissipate, just because a girl ignores or did not respond to a text message as quickly as you hope. You are champ and women fuck the champ, if she does not want to go after the champ, then she can fuck off.
If you want to try this, don't expect this to be a 100% guarantee, but if you want to invest into sometime with this chick, then you can
Ignore her for a while, then say hello to her, see if she start up a conversation with you and then cut it short.
start flirting with other girls in the gym and make sure she is around.
- start going to gym at another time for a couple of days, then start showing up on the regular schedule and see if she notices you.
but don't expect this to work.
Read More3y ago Bodybuilding
@FrancoAP I have not tried the stonglifts method, but tried something similar and it is effective, if you lift and eat properly.
If you are just looking to do compound movements, then stronglifts or starting strength is great for that area. Stonglifts and Starting strength are the same, just stronglifts is 5x5 and Starting Strength is 3x5
If you want to do compound moments, isolation movements, cardio, and train your abs, then i suggest looking at Bigger Leaner Stronger by Michael Matthews, there is a book and also a 1 year challenge with the same concepts as stronglifts and starting strength, but its your preference on what you want, you can incorporate cardio and abs into stronglifts or strarting strength.
Just try one of these programs one at a time and be patient.
Also make sure you watch videos on how to do these lifts such as Bench Press, Deadlifts, and Squats, since you been doing calisthenics for awhile and you need to get your body use to these movements because you can hurt yourself very quick if you do not properly execute these moves.
Read More3y ago TheRedPill
@truestorybro not getting a hotel room unless you were out with her somewhere together and at the spur of the moment decide to go to a room to have sex. But you made yourself available for and she made you spend money and sit and wait for nothing to happen.
3y ago TheRedPill
Mistakes You Made
- Never date a co-worker.
- Being nice guy - paying for a hotel to have sex in, when you wanted to squash whatever tension there was from not meeting up at the hotel
- Worrying about her and putting the pussy on the pedestal
- Making yourself available - You were texting her asking her if she was available during the weekend, texting back and forth about coming to hot
- She was making you wait to have sex with her - which never happened
- You didn't hold your frame wether it was a shit test or not, you had a spat about being professional at work
Things to do
Kill that inner nice guy - i don't mean being a dick to every women you meet, but be selfish, you are important, don't drop everything to please everyone to think that you are going to get a reward out of your nice behavior.
Have a strong frame - It's hard to keep your emotions in check because everyday we get tested wether it is personal, wealth, or job related, you are not going to win by flipping out and getting angry. Look at them as lessons, not as struggles, you are build a callus around your emotions, so that when things happen that normal you would get angry, to you it would i don't give a fuck and i can handle this.
There are plenty of women out there that are attractive and single and they do not work where you are, so look out there and find them. If some woman turns you down, it will not phase you because you will be emotional strong and move on to the next.
- Don't be available for anyone - Do not have women stealing your time. Have women guessing, let these women know that you have options and this will peak there interest because they want what they can not have.
3y ago TheRedPill
@Boosted_Arrow Stop Worrying about these girls. Do not come across needed, the man who seems less concern about women is the one who gets the women. If you want to build attraction dress nicer, build muscle, and read books to appear more intelligent. And also do not compare yourself to the other guys, do not think that they are any better than you, they are not, dig deep into yourself and ask what you want and be brutally honest and work towards it
3y ago TheRedPill
@cornarrow That is fine, but do not look for recognition for your accomplishments, but look at it yourself as how far you have come and looking at yourself at what you can accomplish. Share your experience and journey to help inspire others. To quote Tony Robbins “There is no such thing as failure. There are only results.”
3y ago TheRedPill
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane The Social Skills Guidebook by Chris MacLeod Bang by Roosh V Verbal Judo by George Thompson
These books are only guidance, it's not promising you anything, don't think reading these books is going to make you an expert, you also need experience and time.
3y ago TheRedPill
I will make a suggestion but it is only advice, you may take it or leave it. Make sure you continue hitting the gym, if you are not happy with your success look for workout routines, but keep this habit it is a good way of relieve stress and building confidence, even when you feel tired or lazy go to gym because it will but you a strong mindset. And stay away from the marijuana or any drug because that anxiety and overthinking you are having now has been more radiate because the marijuana has been helping you cope with happiness or making you feel good, when has been make you soft and you do not want to be soft.
Do not worry about being a virgin, it is okay, it can be frustrating and uneasy but if you put your mind you can have success, dating is just a mind game and you have to power through it and not worry about the rejection, there will be women who are uncertain, shy, or even a tease, but as long as it does not bother you and your willing continue on with the journey.
Buy some books on how to have conversations or charisma, don't worry not everyone is a smooth talker in the beginning, but it takes practice and patience.
But remember to focus on yourself and what you want out of life, do not make women your first priority.
Read More3y ago TheRedPill
@minkvink I agree with Zavss. But There are a couple of problems with what you did
Do Not ask anyone out, hookup, or date from work because it can jeopardize your status and your future.
From what you are saying on the post, it seems that you were spending too much time with her. You should have tried the push and pull method with her.
Like Zavss said don't use technology to ask women out, you have balls use them, ask a women out face to face. When you use technology or social media it is acting like a buffering between you and the other person.
- Do not over analyze every thing that something didn't work, it is practice, you will get better at it. If a girl doesn't want to go out with you, be respectful and move on to the next one, there are others out there that will respect you as a man.
3y ago Ask TRP
@AllBlack087 Well it is good that you are keeping in shape and exercising, this will help you mentally and physically, when you are down or you are feeling good about yourself. Do not break the habit from working hard to slack off.
It is tough out there to start building a social circle, but it takes time, just as it took time for you to lose weight and gain muscle as you describe. You have to start somewhere and you are not going to get anywhere if you are too afraid to talk to someone or in any situation. If it means you have to buy or read books on how to interact or talk socially, then do it, but tell yourself you are going to do and not do it because you are only hurt yourself.
And do not be depressed when your sisters friend's are changing their boyfriends as you describe "month by month" either your sister friend's pick guys who just want to sex with them, the girls are not interesting, or they are weak men, but don't let this fool you it does not mean the girls are happy with changing boyfriends they could depressed just like everyone else.
Just because you are virgin do not let that bring you down, you are capable of losing your virginity but you need to put in the work and set your mindset right by getting out their and building your social life and circle.
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