Machiavellian Genius
"Boldness, Erudition, Patience."
@IllimitableMan Looking forward to reading your new material
@drake Blog was growing very fast and the increasing demands it was placing were beginning to affect my real life, so a one year hiatus was planned. Real life job then got very demanding, and one year became two etc - you get the idea.
Doing this was always a passion project, because it's something I really care about and am interested in doing, and of course, I enjoy writing. But it's very time intensive, and I have other commitments.
It is my intention to start writing again, because my body of work is incomplete, that is to say, I haven't said everything I wish to say. I still have quite a few topics to explore.
@drake ask him, he's got an account here @illimitableman
@IllimitableMan Ol' softy fucked himself into a coma. Thanks red pill!
@redpillschool The real question he should be asking: "where the fuck did /u/Softharem go?" loool
@Apollo he's on here too. See if we can summon him @IllimitableMan
Machiavellian Genius