There is no good girls in online dating apps. LITERALLY. The fact they are there means you can pump and dump them as long as you don't promise too much (that would be scummy). They literally just look for a safe sex with OK guy. Good girls are learning, being with highschool seatheart, walking their dog, playing piano. They are not advertising their asses online. Publicly.
Highlights of my online dating just to again express with what girls you are dealing with:
- girl looking for a revange on ex
- slut who offered bj for being late on first date
- another lunatic who was dealing still with ex, sucked and swallowed right after getting to know I don't wanna any serious relationship
- single mom who dumped some rich guy to have fun with me
- russian princess who wanted a provider
- bunch of young girls who "always meet fuckboys for some reason"
they all claimed to be good, low body count, looking for ltr.
And again I can't express this enough. ALL girls that I interacted with through online dating were in fact some kind of hoes. I was just always surprisingly good for them. It was like "damn I just wanted to be fucked now I fell in love I am going to pretend I am good girl". gotcha biiach
It was always like that. Except when you were 20 girls just liked cuteness and potential. Then just bar goes a little higher. To be good looking after 25 you need to lift. You need to eat quite well. You also probably are going to think about settling at some point so you must have ANY money. You have to at least have amounts that give piece of mind, like just going places, getting good food. It's not even providing. Let's even forget girls. YOU want good food. You don't wanna food. YOU want to eat out. The girl is just there for the ride. Same with travelling. YOU wanna have fun, go nice places. Girl is just compliment to all that.
If you can eat where you want, you have mobility, maybe motorbike- dude you kind of own the world. The bad rep of OLD is mostly because any loser can do a good pic, put a funny comment and get a first date. Girls are tired of imposters. You need to show at least the confidence. Or humuor. Or pure money(sign of being resourceful). It's not that girls want the money. They just don't want problems that come with lack of it. We are living in good times actually. If you are in europe or EU you have possibilities, choices. You can have a lot of freedom and piece of mind if you can stand frugal life for some time. Yea you will not get some hoes cause you will be not flashy but you can actually get better girls just with being yourself and being in your frame(whatever it is).
And in fact with my experience it is true that all online dating girls are basically for pump and dump. I LTRed one in past, then pumped others. But in the end they were all there after some break up, either just to have fun, revange, boredom etc. Texts like "oh didn't expect a good guy here". Which implies she was there to get FUCKED. Jokes on you, Yea I am "good" guy. But it doesn't mean I am going to wife up a hoe.
Read More@Typo-MAGAshiv Meh, things just changed. Just different. Same as with business. If you are in shape and have some frame you can just live your life and just hit on girls that you get eye contact with repeatedly. The secret is to just mind your own business, be focused and content and girls just come to you like a cat to a fish tank.
@Lone_Ranger It's funny how it is such a trigger the whole video. She don't need vacation... yea cause they live in some paradise in huge house. And the guys is probably financing it all. I kind of like this video. Would be such a trigger for regular woman.
@Lone_Ranger Do you mean the man in the backgroud?
Just another way for a woman to show how great she is to attract losers.
From the other hand- on my FB there are girls who have to show all the time how happy they are. VACAY, RESTAURANT, HOLIDAY COUNTDOWN. lol
The real point of mine was that ofc guys are pumping and dumping but I think they are quite clear with their intentions from the start. I am afraid I am sneaking into their hearts by opening myself and caring, but I still want mostly same thing- sex, but with connection. Instead of one night stands and not even knowing each other names.
Another thing it wasn't like "is it ok for a wedding". No, it was like "is it ok?" and then only after I answered she explained. Kind of looks like she was fishing for compliment, maybe sexual comment. I know I am overthinking lol. I just like to do that sometimes to put myself back in the frame. I really home for some comments.
11mo ago TheRedPill
@polishknight I million times rather have such woman than feminist like, business woman piece of shit. Sounds very good man. Those are not problems, this is just cute.