How to build a social circle from ground 0?
How do you build a social circle from ground 0?
Hey guys, I’m getting out of the army next month and moving back to a place where I don’t know anyone except my dad. Most of my friend are very blue-pilled and I honestly don’t enjoy hanging with them for long periods. I want to rebuild a new social circle but in all honestly, I’m pretty clueless. I want to date again and start spinning plates but tinder is filled with nothing but 304’s and single moms. I have goals to get my business up and running to which I’m very excited about. But coming from the army where I had some of the best mates I could ever ask for to heading back out in the civilian world, I have forgotten how to civilian and more importantly, how to find similar red-pilled people like myself. I’m moving back to California which as you can imagine, don’t have the most ex-military redpilled dudes and I’m pretty lost/worried that I’m just going to end up as a hermit besides hanging with my pops. Any tips would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Consider getting your hands on either Aaron Clarey's "Worthless: The Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major". and Aaron Clarey's other book The Black Man's Guide Out of Poverty: For Black Men Who Demand Better. The books are dirt cheap compared to any textbook you'll be getting and will provide you with more value in return. I would suggest you review his blog to get a feel for his views on money, dating, relationships, education, and work to see if they're aligned with what you aspire for yourself. However, this comes with a few warnings in advance. The books are both around a decade old, so while they're likely available on libgen and other ebook sites for free download, portions of the information will be outdated. Beyond that, and without going into specifics, what's the plan that you've put together for yourself so far?
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