Smh...have you kids never heard of the Cleveland Steamer. Two turds with one bowel movement.
Check and mate.
Or you download it via apk and call it a day. Warped people's reality tonight by getting tiktok on my phone tonight.
Buttt it's not in the app store?!?
1w ago TheRedPill
This reads like you have FOMO. if you can get that under control, you'll be happier and better able to make decisions for your life.
If you let FOMO control you, you'll always flit from one thing to another with no real direction.
Thanks. This helped me realize this has been a huge issue when I do commit.
@Kloi Dr. David Buss was a huge influence on Rollo Tomassi, at least in his early work before he (Buss) sold out to the feminists in the last few years
Evolutionary psychologists have had success in finding experimental correspondence between observations and expectations. In one example, in a study of mate preference differences between men and women that spanned 37 cultures, Buss (1989) found that women valued earning potential factors greater than men, and men valued potential reproductive factors (youth and attractiveness) greater than women in their prospective mates. In general, the predictions were in line with the predictions of evolution, although there were deviations in some cultures.
Just some literature from some course material that shouldn't come as a shock to anyone here.
Noticed the men I get along with best at work, are the ones that just talk shit back and forth all day or debate life topics.
In comparison the ones that I dread to work next to try and talk about themselves, their lives.
3w ago Bodybuilding
@Kloi Sounds like a good plan to me. I've trained for periods of time where I've done the big 3 but not at high volume and focused on assistance work usually at 8 reps and up. More of a bodybuilding than a strength routine. I started out training that way and have gone back to it from time to time.
@Vermillion-Rx I'm not.
@kloi is no son of mine!
3w ago Bodybuilding
Trying something different; I think the kids call it power building.
PPL twice a week, opening with one of the main lifts for two heavy sets then the rest of the work out hitting the 8-12 rep range.
Example being today was OHP heavy next push day would be some form of heavy Bench.
Also dropping down from 3 sets to 2 working sets per work out.
Hopefully this will elevate some soreness that lingers. Helping me to focus on 4 good sets a week vs 6 per exercise.
You're doing the The Lord's work I'm proud of you