LTR has written notes in her phone about how she's dissatisfied with how I'm acting.
Examples are, me not thinking of her when shopping for my own clothes.
Me not helping her with her luggage (not intentional on my part)
Me not giving her money packets for Chinese New Year (I'm asian).
What is my course of action for this? She doesn't know I saw her phone.
9mo ago Ask TRP
furthermore, I kept rejecting her advances to get back together, even after she knew I cheated. Because i felt like I was not good enough for her anymore, and I broke her trust in me, meaning the relationship would be unsalvageable.
But the truth is, me not giving myself the chance and not giving her the chance to mend this relationship has been eating away at me for weeks. I haven't been able to sleep well and function properly. I still keep up with my work and fitness, but the loss of sleep is causing a lot of problems for me. I am not at peace with myself and my decision.
I thought I would be happy with a hot 10/10 girl, but I realized that I really care for my ex, and the relationship we've built has been so strong and meaningful, it would be extremely immature and naive of me to just throw it down the drain... right?
Read More9mo ago Ask TRP
First off, I really appreciate that there are people like you out here who are willing to respond and give advice to random strangers like me on the internet. I want to thank you for this, even though it's not much it really helps me a lot.
Regarding the question you asked, I think that I was addicted to the validation, but I've taken some time to think carefully and realized my mistakes. I am thinking to reconnect with my ex, as she was very keen on continuing the relationship a few weeks prior. At one point, she even waited for me outside my house for 2 nights, while I wasn't home. I'm not sure if it's is the right idea or not, but I would be filled with regret if I didn't at least try to get her back.
This is because she was with me through the toughest points of my life, and for me to bail right at the smallest distraction would make it impossible for me to live with myself.
To conclude, what would be the best way to approach this? I really prefer to meet her, and most likely try again, and if she rejects, at least I'll have peace knowing I tried my best.
Read More9mo ago Ask TRP
@Lone_Ranger if that’s true, what should i do? is there any way back? does it make sense?
9mo ago Ask TRP
@Typo-MAGAshiv yea I've come to realise that this decision is a cross that I will bear if I fuck it up. I already broke up with my LTR, that I actually truly love, because our lifestyles have become incompatible. I don't think it's oneitis, because I have the new girl who's a 10/10 basically like a model who I'm having sex with almost daily, but when I'm alone I always think of my ex.
What the hell is wrong with me
9mo ago Ask TRP
@Typo-MAGAshiv that's true.. it's just that I don't find her as interesting, pretty or attractive as before. She's 25 now and the other girl's 19/20 and the younger girl's personality and lifestyle suits mine more.
Need some help guys.
Would you guys pick:
- a girl who’s proven to love you and stuck with you through lowest points of your life, but you’re not attracted to.
- a girl who you’re attracted to (already fucked), but is still unvetted although they have shown positive qualities and potential.
- single life focused on myself
My main goal is to ensure I focus on my career and work to be the best, and I keep feeling that #1 might be optimal because the girl supports me, and I wouldn’t have to worry too much about girls/relationships etc. But i’m not attracted to her anymore, what do i do?
That depends on which you value more, the relationship with these women, or your professional success.
10mo ago Ask TRP
@Typo-MAGAshiv true. but the first woman is the one i’ve been in an LTR with for awhile. she does not want an open relationship, and honestly, i’m not sure if i can keep up with the guilt from cheating. should i just see both and continue cheating? the second girl is aware that i have a girlfriend already.
10mo ago Ask TRP
Need some help guys.
Would you guys pick:
a girl who’s proven to love you and stuck with you through lowest points of your life, but you’re not attracted to.
a girl who you’re attracted to (already fucked), but is still unvetted although they have shown positive qualities and potential.
- single life focused on myself
My main goal is to ensure I focus on my career and work to be the best, and I keep feeling that #1 might be optimal because the girl supports me, and I wouldn’t have to worry too much about girls/relationships etc. But i’m not attracted to her anymore, what do i do?
Hey guys, need some help, really appreciate any feedback.
Basically, I (25M) just broke up with my 5 year LTR (25F), who loved me like crazy and would always support me through all my lows including my worst points in physically (health), and even helping me financially when I had a huge problems with my business.
Recently, things have been going better for me, and I have become greedy in the sense that I started cheating with other girls including a really hot 9.5/10 girl. And because of this added with a busy schedule of work and trying to make more money, I just provided lesser and lesser time and attention to my girlfriend. This caused her to become extremely angry, lonely, sad and tired, leading to more arguments and basically her questioning the loss of passion and if I even still love her. Because of all this, I got extremely tired of maintaining the LTR and agreed to some of her viewpoints that we might be on different paths, leading to our breakup. (1 day ago)
After the breakup, I've gone no contact and immediately continued to bang the 9.5/10 chick, but I'm thinking if what I'm doing is beneficial to my life in general or not. Basically, I'm not sure I can train and guide another girl like how I've trained my 5 year LTR to be submissive and to be loving to me anymore. This is because I probably won't be having as much time as before, and I'm worried that letting my current LTR go might be a crucial mistake because I mostly value my career.
Some extra points:
- my LTR had been upset that I told her the truth straight up that I wouldn't able to marry her in the next 2 years
- I've actually known her since high school, but we got together 5 years ago, and I'm basically her first real boyfriend
- she's overall a joyful girl as long as I give her time and attention, has shown to be kind and appreciative towards me
- during arguments she becomes rather masculine and violent, which I have managed to tune down over the years. but still happens.
- she texted me one day after our breakup saying that "she thought she was worth fighting for" even though she was the one who kind of initiated the breakup, albeit I was the one who withdrew alot of attention for no reason due to work and side chicks.
Overall, I feel like I may have been at fault because I provided her with very little care and attention out of the blue after the increased workload and also the increased amount of side plates. And the recent 9.5/10 side plate may have made me more interested in banging her, leading to less attraction to my LTR. I believe I may have messed up, but I know I might be able to salvage the relationship easily by just meeting up with my LTR and bringing back a positive mood, as that usually works somehow. But I'm not sure what's the play here, and what's the most ideal scenario for me moving forward. (side note: my LTR has been busy with her own career, and is close to hitting the wall, not being as fit as before and slowly turning unattractive for me. I have lost alot of attraction and am not sure if I can regain it. However, I appreciate her that she's actually trying to work towards a future and to have a family and kids with me.
I'm so stuck and lost in what I want myself, and I really need some guidance from men in here who are just more experienced, because I really do not know what is the most optimal thing to do for my own good. Please help me to make a decision. Thanks in advance guys.
Consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
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