"Curmudgeon Emeritus"
Relationship Philosophy:
Happily married since the Reagan Administration.
[Also stolen]
Also cropped just the way Vermy likes it
Tagging @lurkerhasarisen because of a recent conversation
@OPStolen partly FOMO, and partly a biological urge to spread your seed as much as you can.
Monogamy isn't natural, and it's not for everyone.
But it can be done. I've been monogamous for 20 years now (married 19). There are others who have been monogamous longer, such as @lurkerhasarisen (who is also truly monogamous, having only been with his wife).
You have some difficult decisions to make, and no one can make them for you.
A few things to keep in mind:
I’m perfectly content with the woman I have.
Are you willing to risk never having that again? Most women have no idea how to be good to a man, and if anything, relish being as awful as possible.
This might be a temporary feeling, and might go away.
If it keeps eating at you for months on end, you might just not be cut out for monogamy. And that's OK! Not everyone is!
Just think carefully about consequences/outcomes before you do anything, you know?
Read More@moorekom @woodsmoke @Impressive-Cricket-8
Again, tagging all you recently-active, still-having-access-to-reddit guys. Hell, I'll tag @lurkerhasarisen too just in case he gets back on soon.
OP @Cautiousop has had activity on reddit several times in the past few days.
I'm posting it within the next few hours of he doesn't.
I'll give him credit of course.
First of all, excellent find. Prime WAATGM material right there.
However, we need to fix some things.
1) judging by your post at reddit and how it displays the image hosted here, at your post on the WAATGM tribe on trp.red, rather than a link to a post at the WAATGM forum at forums.red as required by this announcement here, it seems you misunderstood the posting requirements. Apologies if it was confusing/unclear.
2) while you censored her face just fine and most of her personal info just fine, there's a small part of her name visible near the little green heart. Additionally, as per this announcement here, which was also crossposted to reddit here, the text content of screenshots need to have portions that make it relevant to WAATGM underlined, circled, or otherwise highlighted to get around copyright restrictions (Fair Use - commentary).
Since this is probably a bit of a pain in the ass and learning curve for you, I modified the screenshot for you. Please download and post to the WAATGM forum, and crosspost the link for that post to the subreddit.
Please also take down the one you currently have at reddit, or if one of my fellow WAATGM mods who still has reddit access sees this before OP does, would one of you please remove it at reddit.
CC: @moorekom, @lurkerhasarisen, @houseoftolstoy, @woodsmoke, @Impressive-Cricket-8, @Kevin32
Read More@lurkerhasarisen I was too distracted by her bouncing titties
Ah… okay. Well it turns out that I have the answer: anything the government “buys” is free because the government is the entity that creates money ex nihilo.
Geez… AOC explained that on MSNBC, and she has a degree in economics, so it must be true. How do you guys not know that?
@lurkerhasarisen his streamable.com video showed some naval weapons being fired and the associated price increase per burst
I haven’t been active for a while because of hobbies, craziness and, obligations, but I popped in and saw that you tagged me.
What are we talking about here?
Seeing a pic of your leg made me realize that…
Anyway, sorry about your episode. I used to have a bike, and I rode a lot, myself. I always wore full gear, and I almost always stayed in town where the top speed limit was 45. I was a very defensive driver, and I always rode with the attitude that I was invisible, and/or that anyone who saw me wanted to kill me.
The possibility of being killed or maimed outweighed the fun I derived from riding, though, so I traded in my bike when it was time to replace my car.
Get we’ll soon, brother.
1) I was Army, not Navy.
2) other than the 50-cal, those are not weapons with which I have any hands-on experience.
3) I was a grunt and then a low-level officer, and so I was not involved with budgeting or purchasing weapons or ammo.
However, I would not be slightly surprised that those are accurate.
Tagging @lurkerhasarisen because he's a lot more likely to know than anyone else on here
Happily married since the Reagan Administration.