"Curmudgeon Emeritus"
Relationship Philosophy:
Happily married since the Reagan Administration.
insol (Roissy’s term)
You know what? Points for knowing about that. I mentioned that to @lurkerhasarisen when he first floated his "inspin" term in a WAATGM comment thread. Side note - he deleted his comments in the thread before the Red Archive archived them.
Also, by the time of the "insol" post, Roissy had retried due to getting doxxed, and Heartiste had taken over the blog.
Where the fuck is the caving part?
I already explained this upthread.
[the rest]
You appear mired in theory, with little real-world experience. I just cannot see any "-cel" variant having any effect on any woman. The few times I've seen one used on a woman, each woman looked simultaneously amused and confused, again much like if one called a millionaire "broke".
But hey, if it actually works for you (doubt), fucking knock yourself out.
I mean, I thought Mystery was a total faggot for his eye shadow and fuzzy hat, but they worked for him.
Read Morefemcels
That term is retarded. There's no such thing as a FEMale inCEL. Every woman can get sex.
A much better term was coined by @lurkerhasarisen a few years ago: inspin.
During 2020, the US suffered a stagerring 480,000 excess deaths.
I'll take your word for it, for now. Too lazy and apathetic to check.
That's either due to the virus (which is my position), or due to the countermeasures (which seems to be the position of most of you guys).
False dichotomy.
People died for all sorts of reasons, many of which had nothing to do with that virus.
Part of the reason people like me don't trust anything anymore, is because a lot of us noticed how fishy it was that during 2020, not a single person died of the flu. The flu kills people every year, and always has, and it later turned out that it kills more people per year than covid.
On top of that suspicious stat, whistleblowers at various hospitals and other institutions revealed that they'd been misrepresenting causes of death on paperwork for more money during 2020. A guy dies in a motorcycle crash? Test his corpse for covid! Cause of death: covid! Old person dies of old age? No! It has to be covid! Entire family dies in a house fire? Test the corpses for covid! Cause of death: covid!
Public trust in government and other institutions died that year. We always knew they lied to us and that they'd try to seize power any way they could, but that year showed just how badly they'd lie and how far they'd go to seize power.
This is why the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution is so important, and wise Americans will never give up our firearms.
But back to that vaccine, which was the original topic.
it was goddamn rushed so hard, that people like my wife and me questioned its safety from the start. We were always pro-vaccine and got our flu shots every year. We originally decided to give it a year or two to watch before getting ours.
when I found out that the covid vaccines altered your mRNA instead of just containing dead germs to get your body to make the antibodies like traditional vaccines, I said "fuck that!"
when our government passed legislation barring anyone from suing pharmaceutical companies over the vaccines and any harmful effects people might suffer, that's when most of us decided that we would never be getting this shot, consequences be damned.
the vaccines don't fucking work. Our own @lurkerhasarisen has been fully vaccinated, but still caught covid three times so far as of that linked status. (Side note, that thread is a similar conversation to the one we're having now. Back to that in a bit.)
within that linked thread, I said that no one I knew personally had experienced any issues from the shot, but that I still refuse to get it. That has since changed, as I've met a few people who experienced weird heart issues resulting from it. The one who speaks about it the most openly is just as right-wing as me, but got the shot because he's a federal employee and they made him. He wishes he never got it, because they have since reinstated the people they fired for refusing (at least where he works).
It's quite easy to see what's the truth, if you look into countries that had almost no countermeasures, such as some African countries. Turns out there was significant excess mortality in these countries, too.
Murder-riffic shitholes shouldn't even be taken into consideration. They don't have the means to keep accurate statistics, and they're disgusting places where more preventable diseases such as cholera run rampant.
What's not convincing in that reasoning?
Any of it.
Check it out. Remember what I said earlier about that linked thread?
Keeping that conversation in mind, as well as this post here, your grasping at straws with that absolute failure of a "study" is pure ego defense: you just can't bring yourself to admit that you were duped because you think you're too smart.
Bro, you're only human. We're all able to be duped. We've all fallen for scams. Shit, I got married!
Just admit to yourself and to us that you fell for a bunch of fear-mongering lies from power-hungry governments. Then the learning and healing begins, and you're less likely to be fooled again.
fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well, we won't get fooled again.
20yo semi-LTR wants me to commit
Some background: I‘m 22 years old, goodlooking, good style, high-status in the circles I frequent - I’ve taken the steps to increase SMV, however because I’m somehow psychologically fucked I have severe issues wrt closing the deal with women.
So this is my very first plate at 22, never done anything w women before. She doesn’t know I was a virgin before her & thinks I could bag almost any women I want lol.
Anyway it’s been 6 months, I told her in the beginning I don’t want LTR and she’s been chasing me ever since. Slowly escalated to the point where now we hang out 5x/week.
She says stuff like she loves me, she’d do anything for me etc. There’s only little drama and she’s hot enough that it sometimes feels surreal when we do foreplay. Plus she does whatever I want without complaining. She doesn’t pressure me about committing except crying sometimes.
I feel like I should be committing already because isn’t this what every man wants? Other men get nagged regularly by mid gf and don’t complain. On the other hand I feel insecure because this is literally my first girl and maybe I should try other girls before I commit. Thoughts?
You're both in your early twenties. While I honestly can't encourage you to make fast moves to lock this chick down, I'm obliged to offer the following praise for you getting a 'hot chick' in her twenties to want to be taken as your wife after six months. That's not bad, not bad at all. Thing is, you've been up front with us regarding your own mental health issues, which you honestly should prioritize engaging, and females have a habit of laying traps with their tears. However, the reality of the matter is few men will be permitted to be fathers, without first taking a wife. So, if marriage is indeed an objective you have, her desire to get hitched creates an opportunity to both educate yourselves on the matter, and learn if she's sincerely willing to submit to your headship. On that point, I strongly suggest that you reach out to @Lurkerhasarisen, as he's one of the longest married guys on the site. I've no doubt he can provide you with counsel going forward on this matter until such a time as you've read up more.
Until then, recon the mother, and observe how she interacts with your GF's father, so you can get a more tangible idea of what sort of woman your hot chick might age into. Get to know her father and let him get to know you. After you've had a few opportunities to do this, give the GF time to meet your folks. Look for books and find other older men who can mentor you on this journey. Keep in mind, this isn't me encouraging you two to marry just yet, but offering helpful suggestions and ideas to help you get educated on marriage.
Beyond that, consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
Read MoreIt's a bit outside what's normally discussed, but I'll allow it
Rule 5, in its entirety, but with what makes this post fit in bold:
Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy".
While there's zero evidence that any woman quoted in there is slutty or a single mom or even unreasonable/entitled (it actually reads like a legit lament from their perspective), I think it lends itself well to a discussion of how feminism coupled with affirmative action keeping men down to help women up has led to this situation.
It therefore fits rule 5, and doesn't have to wait for the weekend.
Side note: the archive.ph link cut off the bottom of the article. I recommend using archive.is instead, or that textise one you linked is fine (though it's preferable to see it with pictures, etc)
CC: @moorekom, @lurkerhasarisen, @woodsmoke, @goodmansaysfuckyou, @houseoftolstoy, @Impressive-Cricket-8, @deeplydisturbed, @Land_of_the_losers, @Kevin32 (did I miss anyone recently active?)
Read Morehow fat is she?
She's so fat, that when she wears a Malcolm X jacket, helicopters try to land on her.
She's so fat, her mom will have to use a FUPA-stick to assist any man who gets with her. [CC: @lurkerhasarisen]
She's so fat, the bitch spits butter and sweats gravy.
She's so fat, her middle name is probably Fat.
@Vermillion-Rx @redpillschool what we have at WAATGM is fine for now, but having the option to adjust it would be nice
CC: @moorekom, @goodmansaysfuckyou, @lurkerhasarisen, @woodsmoke, @houseoftolstoy, @Impressive-Cricket-8, @deeplydisturbed, @kevin32
My philosophy is:
Anything is better than nothing, and more is better than less as long as you stop short of hurting yourself.
It’s shocking how quickly you lose your edge when you choose “none of the above’”
@lurkerhasarisen I know how it is when traveling my man. I was shocked when the Loews in Philly and a Marriott property in Scottsdale had free weights. I suspect you'll nail that 400.
Happily married since the Reagan Administration.