@Rexx similar teeth nose & head shape, if I was told they were siblings I wouldn't question it..
The navy is about to spend a fuckton re China and all the contractors downstream of that will be hiring, especially submarine related so if you live near a coast and are considering contractor work, it's a perfect time to get in.
10mo ago Development Updates
It would be nice to be able to save a great forum post or comment and recall it later from some list on our user profiles.
@deeplydisturbed this is a good search to try with ChatGPT or another AI tool - I just tried with one and it’s giving good results.
@cjtakk match her energy, you can tell her you miss her if she's telling you the same, but don't get in a situation where you seem needy and her reaction to your texts, instead of being positive, is "ugh, what do I have to reply here to make this go away."
If she's texting you and being needy, you might consider rewarding that in this circumstance, even though you wouldn't if she were nearby.
And, I concur with the others, with the excitement of travel and the feeling of being a new person in a new place, odds are poor in this situation regardless of who you are or what you do. Best you can do is not make it extra likely by turning her off remotely.
11mo ago TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
@Vermillion-Rx (because I am perpetually 11 years old)
"Clark, do you remember that night when you flew me over the stadium so we could watch the superbowl, and then we made love in the clouds?"
"Why yes Lois, what about it?"
"When you pulled out were we still above the stadium?"
11mo ago TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
OK incels, listen up. A lot of you need to touch some grass, and because I am an altruist and truly sympathize with you little shits, I've gathered some fresh grass for you. Touch these points and you'll be unable to hate women after.
- Your Mom, Your Sister, Your Grandma
- No bank accounts, foot binding!
- Marie Curie, IYKYK
11mo ago TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
@Typo-MAGAshiv "See the thing is, I already shared my emotions with someone else, and I don't know where she went and now I can't get them back. But if I still had them, trust me, they'd be yours."
11mo ago TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
@Vermillion-Rx "it was a terrible day and to top it all off on my way home a bird shat right on my head, not a pigeon either, something big - maybe a seagull :("