2w ago The Dark Winter
@Typo-MAGAshiv I'm trying to say that, in many if not most corporate environments, being a good worker and caring about the bottom line, or the customer, isn't what gets one retained or promoted. It's mostly about how happy you make your manager and, almost as important, HIS manager. A manager puts their interests, or emotions, ahead of the firm's interests. It took me a long time to figure this out.
2w ago The Dark Winter
@deeplydisturbed @Typo-MAGAshiv I didn't get fully RP'd until about 20 years ago when I busted my arse in Corporate America and got laid off anyways in favor of the soy boys, foreigner mafias that bribed their way in, and feminists. Here's the thing: Why should management of a big corporation care about profits or even customer satisfaction IF they don't suffer personally for it?
Yeah yeah yeah, Reagan economics right? Hear me out please: One of them tried to say that they wanted to run the company like "baseball" and fire off the "low performers" regardless of how well the company was doing. The dork apparently never heard of "beating the spread". If a baseball team is going to win anyway, why not ruin the point spread and take a bribe from a bookie? Win-win, yes? Or heck, even if the team loses but you're still the best player, you keep your job and the team loses but you still come out ahead. Watch what Hyman Roth said in Godfather II.
As long as the manager is liked by his upper management, he can always blame someone else if there are problems from firing a top performer who told him off. I've seen management circle the wagons on it. They'll even risk losing profits compared to losing face.
Reaganomics? More money for Musk so he can hire Americans, right? Nope: Look up H-1bs. Few of those jobs are for us. 737 Max, Crowdstrike, NCTracks? All boondoggles but who cares? They still make money. Dennis Muilenburg's cost cutting measures laying off Americans got 360 people killed. He got a $62 million exit package. I calculated he could fill 360 body bags with $50 bills.
He never served a day in prison for killing 360 people.
When feminists blabber on about The Patriarchy, what they refer to actually is a society of responsible men who band together and have a strong, high trust society to hold their leaders accountable. The Individualist/Libertarian era of white guys on their own in log cabins doing our own thing means we hunted by the hyenas in the identity groups and corporate PACs. The Patriarchy was basically the responsible men disarming the Feudalist system and establishing worker's rights in the latter 19th and early 20th centuries.
Then the women who viewed themselves as "ladies" (namely, noblewomen) both made the serfs (men) as oppressors while claiming to be equal via entitlements.
One of my favorite movies: North Dallas Forty. Here's it's explained what is really meant in corporations by "teamwork".
Read More2mo ago The Hub
@Dragonaros I got it open. 41 minutes?!?! My father spoke Polish fluently (RIP) but mine is for kitchen/dinner only. I ran through translate (not too bad) but wasn't patient.
I, ahem, have been married for 21 years now (and "taken" for 23) so I'm way out of date with modern stuff.
What's the main question and I can perhaps assess from what I know (even if out of date?)
@First-light The challenge to a democratic solution is we live in a balkanized society: Foreign born/2nd generation men will tend to vote Democrat and feminist for tribal affiliations. Not only that, but our own oligarchs such as Musk regard us as "losers" and chattel and would happily replace us and ignore the feminized society in the interest of corporate profit.
Ironically, the women's vote has resulted in women being dupes for the same Patriarchy that the feminists claimed to tear down: the wealthy industrialists wanted to lower the cost of labor AND need for goods so women entering the workforce did well for that. As full dupes, such as in Sweden, the feminists make excuses for Islamist culture. I've even seen American feminists tow the party line on that.
There is a break in the ranks with the feminists such as the TERFs who are angry that trans-women are being treated EQUAL to women showing their "we only want equality" was a ruse all along.
Read More@woodsmoke Consider that a little over a century ago, back when women were "oppressed", they were expected to "chase" men much in the same way that PUA Game teaches men today: They networked, learned how to open conversations with men, had a goal towards marriage (not "having fun" or "finding themselves"). Trad-fems would later consider women who were like this as "pick mes" or "desperate". My maternal grandmother back in 1925 had a sister who broke off an engagement so... she grabbed the guy for herself!
This nation of ambivalent and passive-aggressive waiting for men to "wow" them and pass their little tests slowly emerged over the generations. My mother was proud she only gave my father her first and last name and made him look up her phone number if a book. Over time, even "nice" women we regard today were raised to treat men like dogs to perform tricks.
Eff Dee Ess has a point we should pick up on: We need to adopt (reasonable) standards that, by themselves, make us valuable. Men who set standards show leadership that women crave but also raise the bar for how men should be treated. It also means that women who crave men to "lead" (abdicate responsibility) should accept the burden of being a follower: That the man's opinion should be respected by default because he EARNED it.
It's not a paradox to say that men need to lead our way out of this, but that also means we need to hold women to higher standards. Women who have reasonable standards can easily find a decent husband if she puts in a fraction of the work that men do.
Read More@Typo-MAGAshiv archive.is appears to be the same as archive.ph. I ran it through to test and archive.is appears to cut off the bottom too.
Sometimes archive.ph/is munges things. I'm going to post the text version as well because sometimes people prefer it.
Google translate appears to do an excellent job of caching the page without significant distortion: ifstudies-org.translate.goog/blog/where-have-all-the-good-men-gone?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
Thanks for the analysis on Rule 5. I'm going to post it tomorrow anyway. I just wanted to make sure I didn't have a "senior moment" and post something I perhaps posted 2 years ago.
@TYPO-MAGAshiv @lurkerhasarisen
I think this looks good but it was published 2022. I don't recall seeing it. Has this been posted before?
archive.ph/5YMcq www.textise.net/showText.aspx?strURL=https%253A//ifstudies.org/blog/where-have-all-the-good-men-gone
Happy New Year all. Not for the main forum, but something you might enjoy. You need to turn Closed Captions on for English translation: x.com/i/status/1874985635938988407
What do you think of this for content. Problem is that archive.ph can't grok it including the video which is super cringe. Proposed title: "America! Refer your cousins and nephews to me to ick and reject!"
@Typo-MAGAshiv I found the original link that I,Hypocrite reposted on X. So I'll figure it out. Where do I upload the video I anonymize to? Any tips?