4y ago The Dark Winter
@TiberiusBravo87 oh god that last sentence cracked me up
"typical liberal that dreams of power-tripping struggle sessions etcetc" too many libs like that exist
4y ago The Dark Winter
@TiberiusBravo87 Knowing what Uganda's like they would call BLM as "European propaganda"
4y ago The Hub
@Fawk_Face holy fuck if redpilling via the force was a thing I would have more irl friends who dont go REEEE whenever the Donald tweets something
4y ago The Hub
@Fawk_Face problem with the dim ones is that they can be swayed by karens and the bluehaired fatsos
4y ago The Dark Winter
@houseoftolstoy why cant we just take up arms and go all global offensive on the MSM
4y ago The Dark Winter
@arakouzo called by who? Not the officials in charge of the election, not the EC, not the SCOTUS, but by the MSM propaganda machine
4y ago The Dark Winter
@whiteindia oh I do know I just wanna shove buffalo shit into Dorsey's Rasputin-ass looking face every time I read that inane statement
4y ago The Dark Winter
@whiteindia "Official sources" this, "official sources" that
Twitter's "official sources" are CNN, MSNBC, Washingon Post, WSJ, NYT, aka the MSM rhinos