2y ago The Hub
@Apollo The thing that attracts me to women is the female energy that feels like safety and warmth. They're like a cozy blanket. Someone who accepts you and loves you. When stuff like the thing I described happens, I feel rejected. It proves to me that I was wrong. It's not a cozy blanket. The blanket has needles all over it and I cannot fully relax, I have to be calculated to avoid the needles. This saddens me and ruins the entire thing that attracted me in the first place: Safety and warmth.
But it is clear to me that the issue here is with my perception of women. I need to see them differently. They're not my mother.
2y ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv If I'm not misremembering, i think you wrote in some post that you are married. Doesn't it bother you that you have to play games and go against your own nature in order to maintain attraction? Or have you just internalized these things so much that it doesn't even go against your nature anymore?
2y ago The Hub
My natural instinct in terms of what to say when talking to a woman almost always differs from what the Red Pilled, "actualized" individual would say. So I have to consciously stop myself, and switch to the Red Pill thing. And then when it works... I feel deeply saddened and disappointed.
2y ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv God damn. I was not happy to read that article, but thank you for linking it. Bittersweet comment.
2y ago The Hub
@redhawkes In any case, even if I do anything I'll be sure to keep my feelings guarded because this is "getting depressed and disfunctional for months" material.
2y ago The Hub
What do you think about trying again with your "high school sweetheart" after you've been somewhat cured from the blue pill? I have the chance to ask her out. Afraid of getting my feelings absolutely wrecked. That stuff really has the potential to cut DEEP.
2y ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv Damn. Thank you so much for sharing the experience. Interestingly enough, since I wrote the original post and received all the replies in this thread, there have been signs that the things people are saying here are 10000% true.
I was wrong. This is not LTR material.
Okay. Found a girl who I made out with and who is high quality girlfriend material and we've known each other for a long time. She's bisexual though. Does TRP stuff apply when a girl is bisexual? Because it feels to me like it doesn't. These bisexual women tend to have some accentuated masculine traits which makes them deviate from the norm, so stuff like "always be the tough alpha with an unshakeable frame" might not be the way to go.
"Bisexual" is just mentally ill-morally ill by another name. No one, whether male of female is relationship material when they're mentally ill-morally ill.