Whats your opinion on having kids?
Im 25 yo. Some time ago I broke up with LTR due to me not wanting to have kids and she wanted it at the end, so we were incompatible. Currently new LTR as I don't enjoy spinning plates, and the topic of kids came out. She says she always wanted kids and family, I told her I don't. It is kinda related to my childhood and lack of family values, but nowadays whats the point of having a kid? I view it as egoistic in a sense, many people have kids but they forget it's another concious being put in the blue pilled system in which it will mostly suffer if not guided correctly. Am I overthinking it and riding against the biology here or maybe there is some truth to it and kids aren't that bad? Even then I think you should have almost ideal socioeconomic situation for this, and currently it is so hard to have a house etc. that's like selecting hard mode just for the pressure of it. What do you think?
Outside of the legal and economic related concerns, if you lack the confidence to believe you'll be a potentially good husband to a future wife and/or potentially good father to future children that's understandable. No one wants to be a burden, or be burdened, but if you're not actively working to gain an understanding of those responsibilities independent of the situation of such obligations, one can only conclude that you're either really stupid, really lazy, or a coward. Additionally, if you're in a relationship with a female incapable of discerning that wariness from you in casual conversation, then the only reasonable conclusions one can come to is that she's a delusional moron hobbled by her solipsism and other psychoses thus rendering her too stupid to be either a good prospective wife to any man, or good potential mother to her future children.
There are enough people and organizations in this world trying to convince people young and old alike to make ill-informed decisions. You don't need a lover, relatives, or anyone else being among those diabolical people seeking to lead you down the escalator to hell. Just because few females will shed themselves of their childhood dreams of being the bride at a wedding doesn't necessarily mean that after a lifetime of Marxist-Feminist indoctrination they'll be either good, loyal wives, or diligent mothers to their future children.
To put things into perspective for you in 1989, The late Steve Allen did an interview that I'm providing a link to a 6 minute clip of, in which he shares brief reflections on his life. Specifically, growing up during the American depression, his early adult years, marriage, and his inept parentage. He voices particular frustration about how society makes sure people are well trained to be economically productive, but when it came to being instructed on being good wives, husbands, parents, or to simply be a good person, there were no reference points provided for him to start with. Something the Marxists took keen notice of.
Being in your mid twenties, you've got plenty of time to learn what you need to know by growing your knowledge base and educating yourself. You're not obliged to take a wife, or become a father, but the last thing you need is to be pressured into leaping blindly into anything, let alone marriage. Use this time wisely, it won't last forever.
Read MoreFR Potential AW put her ASD due to me wanting to take a dump
Title is autistic but not misleading.
Background: Me: 25 yo. good job, 180cm, kinda slim with a bit of fat (previously was skinny fat and working on it) so not too intimidating, handsome but with baby face. Her: 24 yo. very good looking girl, has tattoos (because she is an tattoo artist as a hobby, she doesn't do it full time but her paintings are really professional so its not some trashy shit), green flags: very goal oriented, focused on work, doesn't seem to fuck around (but in her past who knows and I don't like to dwell on it), possibly Alpha Widow, her ex which she broke up with 6 months ago: 30 yo. guy with a kid, military, huge, propably would mog the shit out of me, they broke up because he was an alcoholic, wasn't responsible, was mistreating her (cursing her, saying she is shit etc.) and she told me he sat in front of tv, put some sad music and cried that his life is a mess and he is a fucking loser so I don't know what to think of it.
First meeting: We matched on Tinder, she actually is from a city 2h away but it's the city I grew up in so I said fuck it, first I was about to meet at her place, then she at mine but she got sick and she rescheduled, when we met she came to my town and we were talking for 7 hours but I didn't even k-close, her shit tests was so immense that I wonder how the fuck I managed to pass them. She said that I look very young, max 20 yo. and that I'm not that tall (she is 161cm but likes to walk in platform boots). After the meeting she texted that she liked our talk and she feels very safe around me which is rare for her.
Second meeting: Yesterday we meet at her city, she cooked dinner for us, and we talked, listened to music, we were talking about some childhood memories but as you can already see there was no sexual tension in the air. After some time I managed to get her to lie on my chest and she held me tightly, this was my window but at this point I wanted to shit so bad that all I could focus on was not to. So we were hugging each other and then we went to her sleeping room to lie there, it was very late and I guess the constant thinking about shit and her constant shit tests awoken some autism in me and I didn't k-close for solid 5 hours after first hugging session. She was visibly confused and upset (I don't really know what impression that made, because the entire time I was holding frame or atleast tried to, she knows I fuck bitches so it wasn't like she thought I was shy, at least I hope so). She put some eskimos kiss type shit and I still didn't kissed her because I wanted her to make the first move beacuse I was on ego trip or whatever idk. Then I kissed her, we kissed for a couple of minutes, I then went to grab a water, went back to bed and we started kissing again, at this point I tried to escalate but somehow I fucked up escalation ladder and while kissing I went from kissing her lips to kissing her neck to kissing her lips and when I put my hand between her legs she got ASD saying "no, we only met two times". I recently read "Fuck yes or no" so I thought I don't really have stamina for this right now and maybe it's actually good because I wanted to poop so hard but the logistics of it was not in my favour. I just looked at her, smiled, went back to hugging her and some time later when we were hugging she started licking my neck like it was made of sugar, she made one continous move from the collarbone to the base of my jaw with her tongue like it was some lolipop, but I didn't try again to escalate because of my very need to make a poop. At the morning she made us breakfast and I went back to my town.
Some questions:
- How do you manage situations where you want to poop before f-close and you don't want to ruin the magic.
- I don't really felt like alpha around her, I mean I was passing her shit tests etc. but the thought of her ex and how alpha he must be to her was really concerning, am I tripping or is she AW?
- So she propably fucked this ex on first time they met, or at least had some ons but when it comes to me she ASD because sex is special or whatever, but the tongue thing she did was telling me she is freaky af and propably experienced, her denying me of sex was a shit test that I had to push through? Maybe she wanted to poop aswell and it was just unfortunate?
Sorry for retarded FR but if it was normal and succesful I wouldn't write about it here.
Consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
Read More1mo ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx clarifying now, its what I wanted, sadly i have to just click on the comments and then somehow manage to check the entire thread