4y ago The Fraternity
@remembertoread There used to be a NYC chapter here: www.reddit.com/r/epsilonsigmakappa/
I recommend reaching out to the mods and see if they're still active.
4y ago The Hub
@VintageNaginta I don't care about their approval, I only want to make sure the term is concise and specific in the concept it conveys so it doesn't appear pointed. Information is information. If height is a dealbreaker so can be anything.
4y ago The Hub
What is a good term for women who are disqualified by having already reproduced with a mate? I was saying "consumed" in my mind, just to remind myself that they see me as a resource, but I think there might be something better, that can be said outside of the sphere. Thoughts?
5y ago The Hub
Why lease something you can never own when there are countless free trials?
@BTrack Every time I read that it gets even better.