Am I too retarded in fixating about girl`s past while looking for marriage.
I come from India, which is kindof undergoing a sexual and feminist revolution. Many females are having sexual relations, flings, ons etc. before marriage. Conventionally, this was not the case until a decade, due to the culture and society. A very less percentage of women had dating and relationships, seldom sexual relations. It was generally an arranged-marriage scene, where after a certain age, parents usually fixed whom you marry etc. But since around a decade, girls are having relationships, dating lives, flings, ons etc. before marriage. I dont have a say in how the society should be etc. But this has increased the incidents of infidelity and cheating in marriages, where the girl generally cant let go of her ex-bf or some friend and has extra marital affairs with him post marriage. Divorce is also not so easy as in western countries and the law favours women and has caused men to suicide etc.
This has created a view among men to find and have a wife who has not had dating & sexual relationships before marriage (one can usually find such girls in small town and villages). Seeing around me, I feel I should find a wife/partner with no past etc. But when I told this to my friend, he says that you study in a college and even though of your education, you still have the retarded thinking like an illiterate person, focusing on past/virginity of a girl rather than her other qualities, compatibility and job etc. Am I wrong here. Have I gone hyper-into this such that I am not able to see beyond past of a girl. Like, should I be fine with marrying irrespective of past (not someone with high body count, but 1-2 maybe) as theyre changed and have a good job/education etc. Tbh, I think, someone with no job/good education is fine if shes faithful & feminine and does not have past. Am I wrong and too retarded here.
I know there is an article in the side bar about it, where it says to see the pattern of the girl and not fixate on her past if she`s being good. But I am genuinely confused. Please help me with your views.
Pair Bonding facts. Statistics show that females with more than 12 prior sexual partners should never be trusted for legal marriage. There's an old saying, "You can't make a housewife out of a whore." As India is currently experiencing cultural subversion, I suggest that you read Dr. E. Michael Jones book Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control as it will give you insight into why it's happening and hopefully enable you to identify, or develop tactics that benefit your desired dating and relationship goals.
Beyond that, consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
Read More2mo ago TheRedPill
This may sound blue pilled and irritating. I agree that sidebar has content related to this. Ive read that. I still need some advice and so, I
m posting. Im 26, look like dudley from HP movie. I
m from India and pursuing research in one of the best in my country, but I feel very bad and disgusted by myself. Please help me.
A girl was insanely hooked to me about 2 years ago. I was a complete blue pill and the good boy type and eventually she left me, without citing any reason. I encountered TRP and got much clarity and it made huge positive changes in me. Its been around 1 year of that. Since childhood, I was not into physical activity and so didn't have any muscle on my body, on top of it, I weigh 78kg and 165 cm (I
m 26 years old). Initially after reading trp, I was motivated to loose weight and was running 5k daily. But, since last 3-4 months I left it. I dont feel doing any physical activity and my pace and stamina have dropped very badly. I hate myself about the way I look, but also it doesn't motivate me to exercise or loose weight. I've become to a state where I feel sorry for myself and find solace that if I wanted, I could loose all my weight in 6 months. But, I don
t feel like to get up and go to playground. Also, when I go running, my brain goes like, running doesnt build muscle and girls love muscle. So, there is no point in running and I leave it after a few days. I don
t go to the gym because I feel scared as hell. I don`t know why but I feel scared. Everyone there is with good physique etc. Just thinking of gym gives me frightening since childhood.
Also, lately, I have again started thinking and wasting my time over the ex and like, had I known about trp at the beginning, we could have been together and feel sad about myself for being a blue pilled shit. Many times, the scenes play in my head wherein, she had maybe indirectly indicated me to be a bad-boy type or more masculine or controlling, but I being a shit-head was always an idiot blue pilled. I repent like I should have done this instead, and told her this etc. and we would have been together.
I know that this is oneties phenomenon and sidebar has lot of content, not to obsess over oneties and focus on new ones etc. But it seems impossible for me. My mind involuntarily goes towards her and I'm not able to stop it. Also, I am not getting any new girls because I am fat as fuck and no muscle, my university doesn't have many girls, the city I live in is conservative as hell and the big region is Im very tensed and disturbed regarding my work. Regarding exercise, I do it for 4-5 days continuously and something from work comes up and from next day I feel lazy and leave it. This cycle happens 2-3 times every month. Also, I don
t have any friends who do physical activities, so its only me.
Marriage and all in my country was primarily arranged by parents when I was a kid and growing up. Usually it was very common for the girl and boy to be virgins till marriage. Believing in that, I didn`t get involved with anyone and so am a virgin. But since last 5-8 years majority are love marriages and most girls (~80%) today are not virgins. They have had a line of boys and infidelity after marriage is like very high. So, while I was in my 18-25 I was being the good boy and didn't date and even rejected a couple of girls for dating. Now, after seeing things for what they are, I feel I have wasted my life in conforming to this society rules regarding this etc.
Every night while sleeping, I feel very bad about myself and want to change my life but again its the same story from morning. I sometimes feel that Im just doing a mental-masturbation, thinking that I can do this etc., but never doing it. Also, I sometimes feel suicidal that I
m a waste in this life and can never get any girl and theres no point of doing it all, because I
m already 26 and most of the girls are already with someone, including my ex. Also, sometimes I feel like crying because no girl will ever find me attractive no matter what I do in my life and so, there is no point in doing any hard work. I just want to restart my life 10 years ago or just die.
How do I come out of this all. Please help me.
Read More5mo ago The Hub
Thank you everyone for the perspectives....i was getting a bit disappointed and demoralised. Thanks for keeping me on track. I don't know how to put comment to each like in I'm putting a post comment
6mo ago The Hub
What's the point of this
I've been reading about red pill since I discovered it a year ago. I've read Rollo tomasai, the sidebar and posts here.
My doubt is, what's the point of all of this. Like, I'm a student at a rank 1 university in my country pursing phd because I like the subject. My game with women has been never existant and after discovering trp, I know how I should improve. After reading sidebar, the rational male, I started observing and everything is true...girls go behind physical attributes like ripped body etc. I live in fairly conservative country (India) where education is prioritised since childhood. So, I never took gym etc. seriously. But now, it seems like I was a fool to put so much effort into it. People who went to high school together are quite successful with women today, because they didn't take much effort about education and focused on body building etc. Now they're just doing a good-okish job. But I put so many efforts in studying, getting into a good program, doing what I like and feel like I've been wasted. Had I focused on getting women, body building etc. I also might have been getting girlfriends, fwbs, hookups every week.
So my question is, what is the point of getting a good education, doing a good job when all that girls want is someone ripped with 6 pack etc. I've seen even "conservative" girls who say they don't want to date till marriage, get fucked by some 6-pack alpha... something trp emphasises. So, by and large, AWALT, so what's the point of putting efforts in education and job, when you could put efforts into body building 24-7 with some okish job, but get hot women. I don't understand the point. Please help me. I wamt to get some perspectives.
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