This is a common tactic used against men who are successful with women... "You're just a clown, you're jumping through hoops to please her!" (typed the neckbeard, in his mancave, in response to some guy with a soft harem).
It doesn't work like this. If you clown for women, and jump through hoops to please them, they generally despise you.
1y ago 5th Generation War
@coolsocks00 Exactly. Imagine seeing a row of these glass boxes lining roads.
@smile if you feel like a dancing monkey, jumping clown, etc then you're doing it wrong
Almost everyone starts there, though. You'll get it.
@Durek_The_Bald Sometimes it feels like I have to compromise everything about me, put up with a woman's bullshit just to be able to slide into her pussy.
I understand that frame is a way of owning the interaction. I should bring her into my frame.
@MentORPHEUS I've considered paying for sex simply because a whore shuts up and does the job. I don't want to jump through hoops and entertain a girlfriend like a clown.
@Acela_nextel I dont know man reading the sidebar, interacting with people on the sub and now here has helped me a lot
@smile exactly.
Hence the hashtag #GetBackInTheCloset
@Lone_Ranger Normal straight men don't care about homosexuals if those homosexuals do whatever by themselves. This hasn't been the case for many decades now. The aim of calling critics homosexual themselves is to stop the argument. Nothing more.