3y ago Tech Talk
@carnold03 Wasn’t this the country from Far Cry 6? Whatever happened to the goal of curing cancer?
3y ago 5th Generation War
My college is moving to in-person education and libtards aren’t liking it “ThE CaSeS ArE tOo HiGh” “wHaT aBoUt tHe VaRiAntS?” “ThE GoV NEEDS ANOTHER LOCKDOWN!!”
I take it you don’t like your freedom being taken away?
3y ago 5th Generation War
@Dr_Cockasaurus Heard that too, but news only brings up his anti-Trump and anti-police songs. If there was anything else, I’m damn sure NY Post or the Sun would’ve brought it up by now lol.
3y ago The Dark Winter
@Initial-Glove One thing that I do like Canada for is that media has strict consequences for operating on the outside of fair and free speech. Harassing jurors, speaking falsely on ongoing cases, and leaking court info is taken far more seriously than it is in the states imo. Three meme pages just caught a raid for leaking witness testimonies and ID. If the same thing happened for the Rittenhouse case, there would be a lot of arrests on lying media.
3y ago The Dark Winter
@Initial-Glove The cameras worked properly here, but to be honest everyone expected the case to be chaotic so not much was really learned, but it’s good that it was documented regardless.
3y ago The Dark Winter
@Initial-Glove I think it’s a state law thing? Was surprised when I saw the Rittenhouse trial on video too. Few cases are broadcast on video like that.