4y ago The Hub
Read this post on quora breaking down Indian mythology in Evopsych perceptive. JESUS..
4y ago The Hub
I was of the opinion that there is some truth to the black pill when it comes to truceldom but after seeing one of the rule zero shows where a paralyzed dude has 3 plates I have changed my mind. Truecels will probably have an insanely hard time finding girls who like them but they will have to keeping Maxxing everything till they get results because Maxxing out is not possible.
But i think trueceldom as a problem were you can't get a single girl to like you is solvable.
4y ago The Hub
After casually reading blackpill material and seeing redpill criticism i have come to a summary
blackpill says:
- looks( hunter eyes , strong jawline) , height and physical frame are the only things that would make a girl wet, physical fitness is optional or bonus.
- money is making you bearable to them because you are useful.
- frame or game comes off as a goofy attempt to pretend being chad and women will ridicule you for trying.
- White man is on top of the hierarchy so an average white dude could ascend if he works on game etc but this advice is useless to other enthic groups specially indians and asians (who are the bottom)because the gap is too high in a globalized sexual market place.
so it could be concluded that looks+height>> money and game , because women will never really like or love you like chad even if you have the other two.
Red pill criticism:
- Attraction is the result of a function based of a set of variables like looks,money,game and status.
- game is a real skill that improves with time and effort ,women will find you less creepy and will be more receptive after you have mastered it.
- from what i have understood according to the redpill women value status>looks>game>money. but the advice is work on lift>game>money>clothes. no surgical interventions are advised to improve facial aesthetics.
So redpill says even if you are short and ugly and ethnic you can still make a (woman) 8-9/10 wet once you lift, game and make money.
(It is important that i mentioned 8-9/10 because if we say that every guy has a natural limit then it would mean that a truecel in the incel community who by definition will has his natural limit set to 0 will never get a girl.)
Are these conclusions correct? if so can a short-ugly-enthic in the community comment on their sucess stories.
PS: maybe a blackpill myth of a truecel can be debunked.
Read More4y ago The Hub
Are left over women a shitty option for a redpilled man? also could somone explain why would a woman want a man that does not earn as much as them? and could feminism fueling delusions in women as seen in west were they cant marry down if they are past their prime? youtu.be/ngd0xfkp4xc
4y ago Ask TRP
I have noticed that unlike the norm I like to find intimacy in my relationships with my male friends whom I consider high SMV(especially good looking guys) or quality guys, I am usually close to such guys. Although I have other buddies too I don't feel the need to be intimate with them. what I observe is that my high smv bros are usually not interested in being intimate and treat all guys the same. Is my attitude gay ? In a way I want them to like me and stick around with me. Although I do not think of these relationships as sexual although their is a part of me that wonders if I am in denial. PS: To give you an idea of my situation with girls, last time I got intimate with a chick I liked the fact she was into me it was an ego boost too but I did not feel like she completed my emotional need. Although I was hard when we were getting physical I did not feel the intimacy which made me anxious. So the overall experience was not great.
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