2h ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx Of course it's a good sign. But it doesn't make my dick hard when a girl always acts like a kid.
4h ago The Hub
Why does every girl I've entered into a LTR with eventually start acting like a child? Making silly sounds, doing random shit, making stupid jokes, talking like a toddler. And when it gets brought up, it's always "I am so weird I am sorry hehe".
It's like they lose all sense of self composure over time. I get it that they're in love and feel comfortable, but fuck me, how is that supposed to turn me on?
1y ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx It's not a troll sub, it's just a low effort meme sibling of the TwoX subreddit.
1y ago The Hub
@EugeneRider There's nothing rational about staying home and jerking off to porn all week, but people still do it.
2y ago The Hub
@chadinthemaking69 Trick question — it doesn't matter. Try again and move on if it doesn't work.