Special date.
17 Feb 2025.
My son would be 7 years old that day.
I have pulled out in time.
6d ago The Hub
@MentORPHEUS I only have one issue with saying: so you are all the same, you would put the blind eye on anything as long as it is your faction.
'Your' faction in brackets as I don't think anyone is as deluded.
So my issue is.
How would anyone expect to fix anything if that would be done in a dyplomatic way (read: discuss every issue for 2y first).
It was obvious this will be a war.
The way to look at it is. There is only so many years Trump has. He has to assume that after his period, it will go back to 2 decades of Democrats.
He is not young, he might as well decline like Biden. His time as a leader is also in danger.
Well Before his term is finished he should be promoting new face hard, this might mean taking blame for unpopular decisions and letting new dude to raise.
Yes you are right it night get out of control.
Read More6d ago The Hub
Last month I have put more hours toward socialising. Went to the clubs which used to be my watering holes for it. At times the well was dry so I had try to establish new contacts.
From circa 30 dudes I have approached for quick-wing, 2 actually were down as long as I have initiated the set.
The Other 28 standing next to the dance floor, looking at every walking ass etc were only there to look and drink (usually followed by a long lithany of the denials).
That have promp me to use a different tactic. I'd made up the names of a nearby dude that I did or didn't speak prior to, introduce him to a cockblock and see what happens. Still in development.
I have an old wing (X) that is trying to beat his approach/being a man daemons. He is standing so much out of the crowd that women approach him spontaneously. 2 of them approached him to give him a bj or something. He nervously smiled to me saying: ill be back in a minute pulling them somwhere. That was a first, usually he let himself to be led. I don't know what happened but he was back in 2 minutes in rush to leave the venue. I can only guess it overhelmed him.
Later on I have observed a funny situation. We have split for a second and he brought 2 girls with him, with a slight pride painted on his face. He wanted to share one of them. I would say, fuck yeah, but they were the biggest barrels in the venue and 1mile radius. Them seeing us together had to think they have touched the feet of the Mahomet.
Altho I told him that I would not fuck them, I have assured him that it's ok and remided him to put the condom on (yeah I play a bit of father that he miseed on growing up - I think).
And then this fit blond in a red dress walked on them. 1m away from them she stopped and looked baffled. Stood like that for good 20s with this confused look on her face. One of the barrels has woke up, approached the blond. After some time of the radio between the tanker and the speedboat, there was a clean split and the blond left.
I reminded him to leave home ASAP as it was clear they will follow him anywhere unless he'll stay idle for too long.
Fortunately one of his mates helped him to engage the second one and possibly hit the base.
Im ok with this arrangement. He gets the atttentiin I make an effort to convert...
On a different night I met my old fuckfriend. While grabbing my ass and riding my knee on a dancefloor she confessed she is now Christian. Well well well born again virgin. The first 100% genuine one I have met, and not only read about it on the internet.
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