@woodsmoke don't forget Briffault's Law.
The woman might seek the man's commitment, which the man might grant or refuse to grant, but women still end relationships when they no longer see any benefit to themselves.
After all, who initiates most divorces?
woman controls the sex and the relationship
He's half right. Women are indeed the gatekeepers of sex.
Relationships, though?
That's the man's territory. If you're doing it right, your woman earns it through good behavior. If she's misbehaving you steadily pull back until eventually, if necessary, simply walking away.
Yes, I do think that any man being "willingly" monogamous has nothing to do with morality. It's bending the knee to gynocentrism, making a virtue out of necessity. It's a virtue signaling sacrifice.
The thing is, a man can be emotionally committed to one woman, caring for her best interest, while fucking another. A woman can't do that.
The "why's" would get us into philosophy, and the transcendental nature of man (sometimes refered to as having a soul) vs the mechanistical nature of the female human organism. But I digress.
(Reposted it due to many typos)
4d ago 5th Generation War
He wants the same thing commies and cowards (but I repeat myself) always want.
He wants your mercy when he's weak and everything you have when he's strong.
Not trying to moralize here but... you do realize it's not only possible for a man to be monogamous, but that can actually be a desirable outcome for him, yes?
I just can't help but notice what seems to be your default assumption that any man will naturally be fucking other women. If that's your jam, more power to you, but you're obviously failing to consider a pretty glaring third option here.
@woodsmoke I did too, at least for the dot reds
I think it was either you or Vermy who recommended it
1w ago 5th Generation War
Again, why do you never take accountability? Why do you never apologize? Why do you never atone?
Simple: I'm not responsible for any of that.
You can keep peddling your commie "sins of the father" bullshit all you like. It ain't gonna' work on me.