Place yourself first.
It's important to focus on yourself - self-education, self-affirmation, self-consciousness, and self-conception. But realizing your own potential and identity does not mean forgetting about others.
"Odin knows many secrets. He gave an eye for wisdom. Moreover, for knowledge of runes and power, he sacrificed himself to himself."
--Author Unknown
A man should sacrifice himself for himself. I know many secrets because I sacrificed myself.
Below is a list of things you can sacrifice to become a stronger man:
Attention is one of the most valuable currencies a man has in his arsenal on his journey to becoming a master. Focus your attention on things that help you become a master or a wiser person, and ignore distractions.
If you feel weak or unattractive, you can change that. You will never become attractive unless you sacrifice your unattractiveness to become more attractive. Sacrifice laziness and bad habits for exercise and a healthy lifestyle, and you will become a stronger person.
Those who sacrifice themselves will never be lost, for they will always know themselves. By giving yourself away, you can be fearless and selfless.
Sacrificing yourself for your own growth and freedom is important. It's not about sacrificing yourself for this world or any afterlife, but for your own liberation.
Women cannot improve you or sacrifice themselves for your upliftment. Sacrifice your attachment to women for your own personal growth and freedom.
Passion can be a distraction, and sex can weaken a man. Conserving energy and sublimating semen can enhance a man's intellect and lead him to discover freedom.
Sacrifice irrationality and sloth for reason and willpower. Follow your own path assertively and don't blindly follow others.
Tip Chantfire for their post.