deeplydisturbed's Blog
The Next Sexual Revolutions
Published 02/10/21 by deeplydisturbed [0 Comments]

The first modern sexual revolution was introduced in 1960 with the advent of the first female birth control pill. Within a few years, it became wildly popular and ushered in the first sexual revolution.

But it was not simply "the pill" that made the first sexual revolution possible; the Vietnam war, along with the drastic political and cultural, shifts including teen rebellion (drugs, and rock n roll), the civil rights movement, and feminism all served as powerful facilitators of change. The Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973 sealed the deal and opened the floodgates to near complete sexual freedom.

The main result is that both women and men began having more sex with more people with fewer consequences (pregnancies) and fewer hurdles (marriage) than ever before in human history.

This sexual revolution hit a speed bump in the 1980s with the rise of HIV/AIDS. Yet the march continued. Because in many ways, AIDS was seen as a gay male issue, women were relatively unaffected. Even until 2018, men accounted for 30,691 (81%) of the 37,968 new HIV diagnoses in the United States

The main benefactors of the first sexual revolution by far were women.

The Second (mini) Sexual Revolution

The second Sexual Revolution was ushered in by Pfizer's Viagra in 1998. With its introduction, and subsequent competitive ED medicines, mean that more men could have more sex later in life than ever before in human history. While relatively uneventful at the societal level, and smaller in scale than the other changes, for many men this was a game changer.

The main benefactors were men.

The Third Sexual Revolution

The third sexual revolution was less of an explosion and more of an slower emergence. While long-distance dating, pen pals, tele-personals, and classified ads predated the internet, their reach was somewhat limited by comparison to what was to come. While dating sites go back to the advent of the internet in the mid 1990's, it was not until early the 2000's with the launch of eHarmony that the online dating world exploded. This revolution reached a peak in the mid 2010's with the launch of Tinder in 2012. Tinder's user base reached a peak in about 2018., and while adoption continued to rise into 2020, the apps growth slowed.

Coupled with the march of feminism, additional female contraception options (norplant, depo provera, better pills, etc) OLD sites ushered in an un precedented explosion of female sexual activity that has persisted ever since.

While this benefited both men and women, OLD apps were arguably more beneficial to women mainly due to their ability to pre-screen potential dates.

The Fourth Revolution

The next sexual revolution is currently underway. Unlike previous revolutions, it is slowly emerging without a particular catalyst. If one were pressed to identify an impetus behind this 4th revolution, it would have to be the rise of the manosphere and gaming culture.

(Gamer Culture demands its own article, so I will consider tacking that in another post.)

Since the mid 1990's, men have become increasingly aware of their vulnerabilities in the sexual marketplace. Divorce rates, personal experiences, and numerous sources of statistical information helped. But it was the rise and spread of the manosphere that has arguably had the biggest impact.

This revolution has yet to hit its stride, but its effects are already being felt. The rise of MGTOW, the Red Pill, and and other male oriented forums have opened the eyes of tens of millions of men who were previously unaware of the dynamics around dating, sex, and marriage (primarily the intentions and motivations of women, dual mating strategy, and blue pill indoctrination of boys). Having the ability to share information, discuss issues, and vent frustrations anonymously in mostly supportive and judgment-free forums has created a groundswell of activity.

Mirroring these shifts among male behaviors and mindset, we are seeing the emergence of the "Where are all the good men" phenomenon. This began in Japan back in the 1950's, however birth rates dropped precipitously in 1974. They began to rise again, but tool another large dip in 2013. These changes served as a harbinger of things to come in the West. It is not easy to map these changes between and among countries, as the societal pressures can be vastly different.

This phenomenon in Japan has been covered by many: The Return of Kings, tackled this in 2014, basically pointing to women's power and mental health issues. An Article in the Atlantic titled "The Mystery of Why Japanese People Are Having So Few Babies" points to men's diminishing earning potential. And several videos in which Japanese women were interviewed, seem to indicate that they have completely unrealistic expectations of Japanese men.

In this case, everyone loses.

While there will not likely be any winner along gender lines as before. The beneficiaries of this current revolution are likely to be the middle third of the male dating pool. Men who would previously fawn over and chase women are now resisting the urge to do so. Even men who considered themselves to be "players" and who previously used "game" to attract women, have evolved in their thinking and approach. This is more likely a function of age, wisdom and experience. But the shift is happening.

A Fifth Revolution?

These shifts all overlap. From 1960-1980 we saw the female sexual revolution, with the dramatic shift in the AIDS era from 1980-2000. Then the Viagra mini revolution in 1998-2005 (and onward). Then the online dating explosion, most notably the popularity of hookup apps like Tinder, from roughly 2000-2018.

The next major shift will likely follow a similar 20 year pattern as in the past. The seeds of this shift have already been sown, and the most likely catalyst will be the introduction of a convenient, reversible male contraceptive.

When Vasalgel becomes available, men will have total and complete control over their part of the reproductive process for the first time in history - in a way that removes temporary errors in judgment from the equation.

Beyond that is anyone's guess.

I am still waiting to see how the current revolution plays out.

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