Recently overheard conversation between Dara and Rob. It went something like this:
R - Well, can we fix it some other way? I am not a big fan of giving government any more power than is absolutely necessary.
R - Fair enough. So, what do you propose?
D - There are two parts. First, we should restrict the freedom of the average person. Second, we need to tax the average person. That will fix it.
R - Woah. Hold on. Aren't there like a thousand laws on this already? And if you look at taxes....
D - Yeah! But those laws aren't enough. We need more sensible laws. And why are you complaining about taxes. We need roads don't we?
R - (sighs internally). First of all, I am not complaining. I just think that "we" tend to throw money at problems without ever seeing results. In fact, the results tend to be "Give the government more money".
D - You don't understand!
R - I am trying. But you want to restrict my freedom at the behest of very powerful charismatic elite folks. I am not okay with that. Why are you even listening to celebrities for such things?
R - Are you going to try to get me with the whole "Oh, so you have a black friend so you can't be racist" thing? What the Fuck! Back people listening to this rn would have something to say about what you are implying about them.
R - Hey, that's not nice. I said nothing even remotely Nazi like. Look. I am not interested in your beliefs. I just want to be left alone. That is all I have ever asked. So please leave me alone. And BTW, stay away from my children.
Have a good day.
Two days later....
Interviewer - So Dara, tell is about your recent encounter with a Nazi...
D - Yes, we desperately need your help. This is a HUGE issue and women and children are suffering. Would you sign our petition?
Random Guy - Sure. Let me read it...
Wow. That's a powerful piece of legislation there and it is going to be paid for by our grandchildren. Why not just continue to provide the billions of dollars of Aid we already send each year?
D - RACIST!!!!!!
Note to Reader:
As much as I intend this to be humorous satire, it is so close to reality that it feels flat somehow. Like a bad meme.
But I decided to write it anyway because it highlights a very common experience (symbolically)between very different sorts of people.
On one side we have people who are seeking meaning in their lives by engaging in activism around large complex global issues. They are struggling with issues in their private lives, which they cannot seem to solve. Furthermore, they do not have the slightest grasp of the complexities involved in the issues they are trying to address. Yet they seem to be hell bent on following the advice of very powerful, charismatic, wealthy people who make large amounts of money from said issues.
On the other hand, we have large numbers of people who simply want to be left alone.
According to Dara's world view, there is only one sort of person who is worse than the Jeff Epsteins, Harvey Weinsteins, Bill Clintons, Hunter Bidens, and KKK members of the world.
In her mind, the most vile, evil man of all is the man who simply wants to be left alone.
Well said Initial-Glove
Literally every conversation I ever had with a lib on Reddit. This is directly from my hx, I feel.
Being content and solitary is a lib woman's worst enemy. Possibly a woman's worst enemy as well, depending on the broad. I like my solitude so I respect it in others as well.