SwarmShawarma's Blog
Tools - check the storage devices - SD card, USB stick, other drives.
Published 12/26/24 by SwarmShawarma [0 Comments]

Check your storage device.

SD cards and USB stick can be dodgy: the storage capacity is smaller than advertised, storage space is corrupted, write/read speeds are off - or all of those.

The problem with them is, one can find out they storage is shit while using it. This lead to the lost data, confusion about a cause of the malfunctioning equipment, time spent to backup and recover a dodgy storage, plenty of the lost time.

Tools to check the storage:

**Using this tool will destroy the data on any storage you will run it on - this is common to run the command on wrong storage and even destroy operating system**


https://h2testw.org/ - tool is called h2testw. It exists for ages and is a standard for the job.



Time required for full test with f3write/f3read commands is very approx, 2h for each 100GB - based on average write/read speed of 20MB/s. It would be the most convenient to run it on a device that can stay 'on', all the time.

To install: For Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Elementary OS users, f3 is available in software repository. Simply execute the command below:

sudo apt install f3

Arch Linux, Manjaro, Apricity OS users can install f3 from AUR repository with Yaourt package manager.

yaourt f3

Fedora-based distros:

sudo dnf install f3

0. Mistake to identify correct drive in this step can destroy the data of your operating system or other storage's data

- remove the tested storage from a USB port [or a SD slot etc]

- start a command line terminal

- type in and run: lsblk

- attach tested storage to USB port

- type in and run: lsblk


The connected storage will be the one missing on the first lsblk run. Anything like sda, sdb, sdc.... - are the whole devices. sda1, sda2; sdb1, sdb2 - is a partition within the device.

To confirm also make sure the SIZE matches advertised SIZE of the tested device. There can be a small difference because the marketing people are dicks.

After formatting it should have only one partition - like on the picture above >>> sdb1

For a full test - sdb1 - location description will be required. Later on sdb1 will be replaced with question marks - that will need to be replaced with an appropriate location description on your own device.

1. Format the storage to fat32 - now or before step 0

2. start command line terminal


sudo mkdir /mnt/sdtest

- it will ask for a password on the sudo command


sudo mount /dev/????? /mnt/sdtest


sudo f3write /mnt/sdtest

- go for a hike

6. When it has finished

sudo f3read /mnt/sdtest

In this stage program reads data written in the previous stage and checks does it conform to the expected pattern.

this means the drive has no problems - this have to be seen throughout.

There also will be report displayed at the end of the job. Take screenshot for a reference.

7. More information available on the program's website.

Tip SwarmShawarma for their post.
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