i met a girl at a dance today (thursday night); she was with her friends (a guy and a girl), our dance was really fucking hot and her guy friend had to come in and interject, so she had to leave. i gave her my number, told her to text me - she gave me a call instead. i texted her 3-4 hours later (at the time i'm writing this post), she responded almost immediately.

i don't know how to proceed from here: my first thought was to not text her again until say wednesday, and tell her that i'm going to that dance again on thursday and that she should join me - partly because, if i ask her out this weekend, i feel like she's going to think i'm a loser that doesn't have weekend plans set up already (with other girls). then again, maybe a whole week is too long and she going to forget the encounter or a million other guys are going to pop up in her life over the weekend and what not. maybe sunday and go for drinks/billiards? but then is that too high-investment? is sunday even good for a date (in this case especially), because usually guys recommend going on first dates in the middle of week. should i text on sunday morning: "i'm going to shoot some pool later this evening, you should join me"? it is much more obvious that it's a date as opposed to going to the same social dance event, much less plausible deniablity.

when (what day) do you think i should ask her out? do you think i should text her more tomorrow either way? if so, what should i talk (text) to her about?

forgive the shitty formatting.