Hey everyone,

I've been diving deep into the realm of limb lengthening surgery lately, intrigued by its potential to add up to 8cm (or about 3 inches) to one's height. Over recent years, advancements have made the procedure safer when performed by skilled professionals, though it remains quite costly, carries its risks, and demands patience during recovery and rehabilitation. For those interested, I've found some insightful resources like Dr. Shahab Mahboubian's Instagram and the Cyborg 4 Life YouTube channel that showcase patient journeys and provide a wealth of information on the subject.

Now, onto my personal situation - I stand at 175cm (5'9"), living in Southern Europe. Despite being financially stable, I'm not in a position to easily drop the $70k needed for this surgery. At 26, with all male family members towering over 180cm (6'), I often find myself contemplating my height. I'm channeling this contemplation into motivation for starting my own business, hoping it could eventually fund the procedure.

This brings me to my main question for this community: Do you believe that increasing my height would significantly boost my value as a man? I feel confident in enhancing my value in various aspects of life, but this height issue feels like a sticking point. I'm especially keen to hear from those around my height or shorter - your daily experiences and whether you think such a change could meaningfully impact one's self-worth and how others perceive us.

Your insights and personal stories could really help me (and perhaps others) navigate these thoughts.