I know that this is low interest in general. But this is the very first time shes done it with me. She always counteroffers when she can. This is the first brief "No" I got from her. To be exact it was a "No I cant make it at 5pm" with no context or reschedule after. There was nothing established here.

In the past I broke up with a LTR who did this to me, and people said it was really stupid, that its not so black-and-white with more established girls.

But sometimes when i get hit with it, i just view it as it is. And if theres no counteroffer I think the worst and figure its the ghosting starting.

In my context, my fwb said she cant make it at 5pm today. Is that grounds to never ask her again? For some context she tried to meet up with me earlier this week and i had told her she confirmed a bit late and i have other plans. She even texted me later the next day. So with that in context, i dont think shes fading me out.

Any insight would be appreciated. Should no counteroffer = terminating the fwb relationship? Or is there more leeway for established girls?

For some context I did offer a reschedule again, i think i will have more clarity on the situation after she responds. If she does it again, I think i know.