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URL: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/us-house-covid-report-vindicates-lab-leak-theory-but-tries-to-defend-success-of-the-jabs/
Site: LifeSite
Title: US House COVID report vindicates lab leak theory but tries to defend 'success' of the jabs - LifeSite
Description: The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic's two-year, 520-page report largely reiterates and aligns with past findings on the failures of lockdowns and forced masking, as well as the origins of COVID-19, but downplays the case against the COVID vaccines.
I understand, please take me to https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/us-house-covid-report-vindicates-lab-leak-theory-but-tries-to-defend-success-of-the-jabs/
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