This tribe is focused exclusively on red pill messages that are embedded, intentionally or not, in arts, media, and entertainment.
2mo ago Red Pill Foreshadowing
@deeplydisturbed I like this video but it is a little simplistic. Then again the movie was too. Yes simping really does not work but also there was the simple fact that he was up against someone more attractive. If he had been playing bad boy and not caring, he would still not have got the girl because his SMV was not high enough. Chad could act as uncaring as he liked becuase his SMV was high enough.
A lot of young men who have not got great SMV and who find the red pill make a big mistake -they think that just because Chad can afford to not give a shit, they should practise not giving a shit. Chad can afford to not care because he has the SMV. If you find a silver dollar covered in shit, you will pick it up. If you find a dime in a dog turd you will walk on by. Not giving a shit does not actually increase your SMV. It does however save you from wasted investment.
Read MoreThis is a breakdown of a movie previously highlighted here.
One of the most Red Pilliest movies of all time. Enjoy.
9mo ago Red Pill Foreshadowing
Were the women of 60 years ago better- less promiscuous and more loyal- than the THOTS and HOs of today? Let's give this #1 hit song a spin and see what the men of that period had to say.
11mo ago Red Pill Foreshadowing
Find the lyrics...
House MD Season 1, Episode 7
The female doctor talks with a man who’s wife cheated on him. When he admits he cannot accept that, she tests it as if it were “one mistake” and then shames HIM.
Her dreams of getting married and cheating without impunity were smashed in that moment and she was crushed
What an evil world we live in