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Disney's "Snow White" (2025)
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17m ago The Hub
@derdeutscher Probably some biology at work. I mean, novelty is an aphrodisiac, familiarity is an anti-aphrodisiac. And 10 times a week sounds like overkill to me.
But probably also some things for you to unpack there. Could be a million things. Not enough kink/filth? Certain unattractive, turn-off-ish behaviors messing with the enthusiasm on either part? Lack of compatibility? You tell me.
Whatever the reasons are though, a dead bedroom is a raw deal for whoever wants the action, but isn't getting it. So it's well worth either taking seriously, or just ending it.
3h ago The Hub
@Durek_The_Bald Some of my relationships died out because of dead bedroom. Current one is on the way.
After certain period I get tired of fucking same girl. We are now 13 months together, and she still wants it 10 times a week. I do it somehow but I almost have zero interest.
Biology at work I guess? Or its me who has issues.
Happy Saint Patricks Day! We're going to be watching Leprechaun movies this evening, starting at around 6pm Eastern over at spookymovienight.com! Until then, come enjoy the rest of the Grindhouse fundraise-a-thon!
6h ago The Hub
Take home message: if you have sexless marriage, end it before she does. Women cant go on without sex.
Its one thing women wont forgive you..not fucking her. This is one pretty dark shade of red when talking about red pills.
"It's a feature, not a bug". And what a great feature it is. Seriously one of the better one.
Not that I would ever trust some random woman's post hoc narrative on anything (they've got plenty of ways to make themselves unfuckable, and to avoid accountability).
But let's assume for a second the dead bedroom actually was on the guy in question (madonna/whore complex or something); Then yeah, I'm with her on noping out of that one.
People sign up for monogamy, not celibacy. Women liking sex isn't that hard of a pill to swallow. I mean, wouldn't it suck if they didn't?
Read More8h ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx Take home message: if you have sexless marriage, end it before she does. Women cant go on without sex.
Its one thing women wont forgive you..not fucking her. This is one pretty dark shade of red when talking about red pills.
8h ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv I turn on smartphone only occasionally. Otherwise I use desktop PC + flip phone. Fuck smartphone.