Well, maybe some people remember me from reddit forums. how many years has been in this community? 3? 4 years? lost count. If you want details of my journey, you can have some looks at my blogs post. Long story short for reminder: I was disabled (you could tell my disability from visual), 150kg, bald, bad dressed. Status now: business owner, 85kg, jacked, good clothing (mistery style really, casual business usually). Not visually disabled anymore. You will not know nor imagine unless i tell you about it.

Started gear a couple of months ago. got a lot of volume and become ripped too (good diet, low doses of stano and dball does miracles, volume plus visible abs). This made me a real alpha, physically speaking. I got a lot of looks, IOI, and on most pictures, i look like a club bouncer (it impressed me how intimidating i'm to normal men now, some can't even have eye contact with me LOL). When i speak, as i work on biz and tech, people get's dumbfounded why my physique doesn't match at all my knowledge and profession (i speak 3 languages as native too).

I get attention from girls, some numbers, IG, but my success rate is still pretty low (truth to be told, i don't try much, i'm more work focused right now). and the thing that i want to discuss here, more than anything, is that the ones that give me attention or i have even a date, they look for my attention and validation, but no sex. Not looking for a relationship at all, just go out, have fun and fuck, simple. But most of the women that reply to my msg, are 6-7, with boyfriends. Or thots looking for attention on IG (happened more than once, that they become friendly at the gym or at a date, even physically, just to take pics with me, so they have other beta's (or physically alphas) drooling for them in their DM's). Recently, one girl invited me into her house. we had dinner, we fuck, 20 min later she tells me her boyfriend was coming in. WTF. It was a set up to find us both. I managed to avoid a conflict by just lying about fixing her computer at 1 AM as the guy was a submissive fat fuck magic card player.

I don't care being used if i get something in return. The idea was to become a fuckboy with status. But i'm getting always trapped in this circle where my image and status is used to get the attention of males with lower status in everything than me (literally, beta's, fat guys, with no real money, or boyfriends / partners that are beta's and have just a normal 9-5 entry level job). And most of them time, i don't get laid. They get a pic for IG or some going out (nothing fancy, i don't do fancy dates anymore) but is till enough to get the attention on their profiles and leave me "chasing them" (quotes why i don't chase them, i pay 0 attention after my initial approach if i didn't get enough kino on the first date, so in the end, the contact just fades away).

So that's the deal. If i show any kind of attention, i get played (agreeing to meet, a pic, or going out already put's me in the situation to potentially lose) and i'm not that alpha to get chicks to come to me by themselves (the other day one girl at a bar invited me a drink, was a solid 6, i would bash, but my bro that night was too drunk and an asshole and i had to get out, couldn't do nothing).

What i could also notice, is that most women are not looking for the most real alpha available, but for an alpha they can manipulate or that they can get what they want from. So, some fake alpha features (big (fat, not ripped), fake tattoos, normal job), but that they can secure, manipulate and that they can get mostly drunk with. Or some beta that pay's for the "Girl's out" and get drunk fucked just by chance in a club. I'm not a fan of clubs, nor i drink, so i can't occupy that place.

Opinions? Plan of action? Help a bro here.