faggotbrains's Blog
To Stop Being A Faggot
Published 09/29/16 by faggotbrains [0 Comments]

With the wisdom of /u/GayLubeOil received a couple of months back, I have been able to give my mindset a change, reject the shit sandwich that gets passed to me and have taken time to prepare myself a tasty wholesome beef pasta meal to consume for eating to enjoy the taste and its nutritional value. As an effect to that I will follow GLO's advice on writing for theredpill to give you perspective from a former faggot who wanted everything handed to him.

Do what is needed. Every effect has its cause.

So you saw Mr. Chad there with his big physique talking to your 10, taking away all of your hopes of penetrating her and taking her away from you for good (she was never yours to begin with). You say to yourself “Why does Chad have all the luck?” after which you proceed to catch a cab, go home, turn your computer on, log on to www.youporn.com, click on the Verified Amateurs category, find your 10 and grab your dick like a little faggot giving yourself the satisfaction of the orgasm that you wanted with that 10 but not really understanding what was the cause that generated that effect. What you didn’t care about and see was that, those muscles needed work, him taking her home needed work, his clothes needed work, his hair needed work, his smile needed work and his fucking attitude needed work. His sense of value needed work. Cucks everywhere sit and whine about how they are being played by everyone else without realizing that they can play the game too.

Mr. Chad is now fucking your 10 because he lifts hard, heavy and consistently and has a diet and sleep routine to match it. He is fucking your 10 because he approached her, polarized her and touched her in the right places without giving a fuck about her or you. He is also fucking your 10 because he used his time to make himself look good by brushing his teeth twice a day, by getting a good haircut and by putting an effort in picking the clothes that fit and are clean. He is fucking your 10 because he smells good, because of the shower and the musky cologne he used before approaching her. He is fucking your 10 because he is well read and can say interesting shit about his observations, apart from what happened in “Dark Souls 3” or “Bloodbourne”. He is focused and zoned in on his target to observe what makes her tick and to amplify on what does. Every effect has its cause and no 10 of yours is going to climb your dick if you don’t take action (cause) and make that bitch suck your dick (effect)

Do what you want and have to for the betterment of society

As an individual, you have the power to make that bitch blush and gain the respect of your peers by owning her thoughts and hence her body. When that bitch fucks you, it is because she has let you and that is because she knows that the offspring she so dearly wants from you will be of better genes. Stronger men make stronger societies because they do what needs to be done without being a faggot.

Faggots, Cucks and Bonobos get cucked and/or masturbate.

Slay or own the ones that want to slay or own you

Mr. Chadthundercock is not there to make you feel better. He is there to own you and to get under your skin so that you can go home and cry to your mommy, girl or whatever. He is there to take your women and to cuck you. The offspring he will produce will be taken care by you while he smiles and makes a cuck out of another cuck. On the other side, that bitch wants to own you too. She is not there to protect you or be your emotional tampon. She knows that she can own you through some petty shit tests, she knows that she can fuck that Chad because she owns you. She will fuck that Chad and have you under her thumb knowing that you are a little bitch who just wants his mommy’s shoulder to cry on.

Endure it till death

Faggots whine, bitch and complain. Waste no more time about arguing what a good man should be. Be one.

Credit to /u/GayLubeOil and www.illimitablemen.com to add depth to my perspective of theredpill

Thank you

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