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@Typo-MAGAshiv we'll give something a try and see how it goes
@MentORPHEUS I'm a little astounded at your inability to entertain a hypothetical thought experiment designed to test the logical limits of the argument on the grounds that you don't personally know anybody in that position. No shit,that's why it's a hypothetical.
Do marriage vows matter? If so, which ones?
@Typo-MAGAshiv seen the movie 1917? They did the single take right, there. In Adolescence it's just irritating. Feels like an amateur's take on Dogma 95. Uncertain, non-commited, yet forcing their pov down your throat. It's feminine, i.e. performative, unoriginal, lacking soul. Under these terms, sadistic to the actors too. A gimmic to cover a rambling babbler.
I admit I watched it negatively preoccupied, but it did manage to not disprove any of my negative expectations, and in fact exceed them.
doesn't mean that what the other person *does is wrong