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@SwarmShawarma lol, you aren't the first or only one to say this. Not by a long shot.
There's a lot more, but I don't feel like digging.
I found this presentation of a condom usage on the wiki. It's not gay, otherwise droplets would be brown.
One thing I don't like about this experience is how i view myself now. I'm too kind to these women.
It's making me introspect about how to treat them. If knew what I knew I would have been a lot more aloof.
Sure you can say "of course RP says that" but it's quite different seeing it raw in their own admissions that they never thought you'd see before you ever even knew them.
I learned a lot reading that shit. Basically TRP is accurate (duh) but this is the first time I've ever seen page after page of self report like this
I'm surprised she organically told me so many things in her diary. It was like hearing/reading it for a second time
Women do trickle truth pretty badly. There were men she said she had no interest in who she explicitly wrote down that she wanted to fuck.
You're not going to look at a girl the same way again after reading her shit. Likewise to our should never take their word at face value
Update III:
Finished her second diary. I can't say I'd recommend it. I have a couple questions I'd like to ask her and must suffer the burden of never knowing and never asking
If you want answers about a girl you're seeing read her diary but forever hold your peace.
You just have to live with it
AITAH for accidentally raping my wife's boyfriend?
Me (m32), wife (f39), married for 7 years, two step daughters (hers, 2 and 4, but I love them like my own), wife's boyfriend (m52). Once a week I get to snuggle up with my wife, and spend the night in her and her boyfriend'd bed (I normally sleep in the guest room).
The other night, it was time for our weekly snuggle fest, which includes us sleeping naked together. But sometime during the night, her boyfriend came home drunk, and decided to have his way with her - which is fine, he's got free access to her whenever.
But on this particular night, I must've fallen asleep with my ass slightly outside the blanket, and he mistook my ass for my wife's ass. So in his drunken stupor, he went on to have sex with me.
Now, this is where I might have been the asshole - not just literally, but also figuratively. Because, although I didn't consent to it, I also didn't protest. I guess I just didn't want to cause any drama, and to be quite honest, I guess I did enjoy the attention too.
The next morning, all hell broke loose when my wife found out what happened. At first she accused her boyfriend of cheating on her. But after I explained what happened, they both turned on me, and are now accusing me of having raped her boyfriend with the inside of my asshole.
Now, I do admit that I was in the wrong for not stopping it, and not letting on that it was actually my asshole he was fucking. I also take full responsibility for the fact that he was drunk, while I was sober, and that he therefore wasn't in any condition to consent to anything.
In my defence, it wasn't like I was the active part in it. I just sort of froze, didn't know in the moment what to do, and just let him have his way with me. I'm generally conflict shy, which I know is a me problem, and not an excuse for what I did. But maybe it's relevant, I don't know.
AITAH for accidentally raping my wife's boyfriend?
Update: I took the advice of Reddit, and have started working a second job in order to pay reparations for what I did. I've also reported myself to the police, but so far they don't seem to be taking this case very seriously (which just goes to show the kind of rape culture we live in).
I'm sorry to all of you for even having asked whether I was the asshole in this story, and I want to thank you all for checking my privilege, and setting me straight. It's becoming increasingly clear to me that I have a lot of work ahead of me to rid myself of my internalised toxic masculinity. I've already booked an appointment with a therapist to start working through these issues.
Once again, I'm so sorry, and I'm so ashamed of myself.
Read MoreLmfao not even your video game interactions are safe from branch swinging
is c00ming beta?
[AskTRP] [question for RP]
Guys I'm sorry for asking two questions in one day. I have decided to stop wearing condoms so that I don't keep fucking rubbers.
That being said is c00ming in of itself beta? Wouldn't a PURE alpha be totally aloof and not need sex? If I have to c00m at all that means I'm not aloof. I give a fuck and thus I'm a bitch. A true alpha would never c00m and be the master of his own mind
Is c00ming geigh as shit too?
Fag why didn't you report that post with the report function
@redpillschool how did that post slip through, DM me
How good of dick do you think Meghan markle sucks to have taken a royal bachelor out of the market while everyone simultaneously hates her and Netflix keeps reviewing her trash reality shows?
Srlsly this ho bucket must suck the soul out of dick something, fr