Sexual Tension
Published 11/09/17 by frontEndDev [0 Comments]

Sexual tension hasn't been covered much on the internet. From what I read, too much sexual tension is a bad thing. False. She just wasn't on the same wavelength as you.

Sexual tension can be two things: sexy/fun or creepy/awkward. Say for instance you are talking to a girl and you let your sentence trail off while your hand is on her hand and you're looking into her eyes with a slightly aroused look. Naturally she will start fidgeting, fucking with her hair, or squirming in her seat. The sexual tension is thick and heavy. She's getting wetter and wetter or more creeped out by the second.

Basically you will want to say as little as possible when you're trying to ramp up the sexual tension while looking at her or touching her. Always keep a slightly aroused look on your face. Eventually she will verbally acknowledge the sexual tension in the form of wondering why you're looking at her 'like that.' Don't shy away. Let her know what you're thinking ie 'because you're sexy as fuck.'

Eventually she will want to relieve some of the sexual tension that's built up between the two of you. Here are a few things that she will do:

Sexual tension is very sexy. If you figure out how to do it then it's a great tool to add to your screening toolbox.

Eventually you will come across a chick that refuses to let you build sexual tension albeit unconsciously. A chick that talks a lot, won't look at you for long, or a chick that laughs about everything. For the chick that talks too much, tell her to 'shhhhhh' or put your finger to her lips in a shushing motion. For the chick that won't look at you, tell her to look at you or don't bother with sexual tension and proceed to screen. For the chick that laughs about everything, talk less and ramp up the verbal sexuality - it's quite possible that she's already super dtf already.

Sexual tension isn't covered much on the internet for some reason. From what I read, too much sexual tension is a bad thing. False. She simple wasn't on the same wavelength as you. Screening is the bread and butter to getting with women, but mastering sexual tension is a nuance that you cannot ignore if you want to elevate to the next level. Just remember that screening has to be mastered first before you worry about crafting your sexual tension skills.

Stay Icy

Subreddit - /r/DarkGame
Published 11/07/17 by frontEndDev [0 Comments]

Gaming women is fun; however, your conscience may get in the way of allowing you to truly engage in your carnal desires. This subreddit will urge you in the direction of true growth and reveal the secrets of game to you. Join us.

After I created this blog, I got to work on marketing. I tried on reddit and they instantly hated me. I received a lot of hate mail and racist mail. Needless to say, I left that community in a hurry.

I scoured the net for a community that went beyond the basic teachings of the red pill and I found none. Not many openly acknowledged how relationships don't exist. The ones that did were filled with bitterness and still hoped to find the one to prove them wrong. The truth of the matter is that there is no 'one.' Every chick is for every guy and every guy is for every chick. Come to terms with this and see life for what it really is - your playground.

Here a few ground rules of /r/DarkGame :

These rules are meant to help us conduct ourselves with respect around one another. In the event that a weak male infiltrates our circle - all bets are off. Report any weakness and the mods will give the red or green light. If red, let him be. If green, destroy. Regular game has no place among us. This is the dark side of game. We are what nightmares are made of.

Stay Icy
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