- the machiavellian times -
articles & exerts by OmLaLa the Machiavellian
"It is better to be audacious than cautious, because fortune is a woman, and if you wish to keep her under it is necessary to beat and ill-use her; and it is seen that she allows herself to be mastered by the adventurous rather than by those who go to work more coldly. She is, therefore, always, woman-like, a lover of young men, because they are less cautious, more violent, and with more audacity command her."
-Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince
Hello and welcome to the machiavellian times. We hope you enjoy your stay.
-the machiavellian news-
"Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you truly are."
-Niccolò Machiavelli, The Art of War
- "On How Women Listen"
- "The Questionnaire"
- "In The Minds of Women"
- "Using Pavlov on Plates"
- "The Man-Eater"
-the machiavellian headlines-
"The reason is that nature has so created men that they are able to desire everything but are not able to attain everything: so that the desire being always greater than the acquisition, there results discontent with the possession and little satisfaction to themselves from it. From this arises the changes in their fortunes; for as men desire, some to have more, some in fear of losing their acquisition, there ensues enmity and war."
-Niccolò Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy
Let’s assume you have a dog named Fido.
Fido, being a dog, has limitations to what he’s able to comprehend.
These limitations are results of Fido’s lower level of perception and he must be communicated with this in mind.
You may talk to Fido about how you hate doing taxes or how rough your day at work was at the accounting firm because talking to him, getting all that stress off your chest makes you feel better about your situation.
But Fido’s level of perception does not encompass taxes or accounting. He lacks a frame of reference.
He can, however, sense your mood using contextual clues; he uses on your levels of intonation, changes in your body language, facial expressions, etc. To discern how you're feeling.
From this, he can tell that you’re sad about something and whimpers in condolence.
Fido compensates his lack of communicatory perception through his ability to covertly read non-verbal, contextual cues your body –in most cases subconsciously- creates.
Comparably, women do the same.
While women do not perceive their world in the overt, informationally based way like you and I, they’ve supplemented this lack of factual perspicacity with a covert, emotionally and non-verbally based acumen.
In short, women judge their peers’ intentions, SMV, personality and character by watching for non-verbal, subtle cues one subconsciously gives off as opposed to reading and reciting raw information in the manner men do.
And so, in today’s article will go in-depth…
“On How Women Listen”
“Others hide from being real by filling the air with words; the more words they throw out, the less actual communication happens and they are left with only an illusion of connection. This is the intimacy they so ardently seek but with these coping skills find so elusive.” ? David W. Earle
“Neither sex is wrong in their communication; both sexes need to learn how to understand each other.” ? Pamela Cummins
Let’s use an example to better explain the differences in male - female communication.
You’re sitting on a couch with a beautiful girl named Lynn. Earlier, she told you she loves engineers and fast cars, and as luck would have it, you’re an engineer who drives a Ferrari.
So you begin to tell her all about your job working for some automotive plant, how much you make, what your job entails on a daily bases, how you came about getting the Ferrari, the technical aspects that makes it go as fast as it does…
And yet after you’ve finished speaking you notice Lynn’s mood has completely changed.
She seems… “distant”. Unreceptive. It’s almost hot and cold compared to how she was before. She’s cold, short in her responses. She doesn’t look in your direction. She almost seems bored to be around you. She inches towards the other end of the couch. She points her feet away from you. She crosses her arms. She sighs often.
You think, “well maybe she didn’t understand what I meant.” I mean, she did say she liked engineers and fast cars, right?
So you begin again and go into even more detail. And yet again she becomes cold.
And then, without you consciously realizing it, the entire encounter falls apart:
You turn your feet towards her. You start talking with your hands. You grin as you talk. You try desperately to make and hold eye contact. Your voice varies. You fill the silence with more words. Laugh when you’re uncomfortable or things become awkward. You make sharp motions with your head and limbs. You fidget. Your eyes glow with happiness in being in her presence.
You crack a joke and laugh after she laughs. When she’s distant, you pull your limbs in closer to your body. You use too much kino, randomly, without reciprocation. You stumble over your words occasionally. You stutter. You mumble. You inch closer to her.
You use passive aggression as an attempt to seem harsh yet cool, like in those movies. Your phone goes off and you stiffen up like a red-handed criminal. You punctuate or fill the silence with “Uhhh” or "Ummm”. You match her emotions, she’s happy your happy, she’s sad your sad. You ask a bunch of personal questions, just question after question and all about her. Whats your favorite mivie? Your favorite color? Your hobbies?
You like to imply things without outright saying them. "I want to fuck you” in your head becomes “Maybe we should go back to my bedroom and "talk" some more lol” out of your mouth.
While she may or may not understand the technical jargon you’ve buried her in, that’s not what she’s been listening for this entire time.
Instead, she’s been watching and your body language, justas I’ve listed above.
And from those, she’s in creating a "character bio" for you and deciding whether or not you’re among the Unworthy, Beta, Alpha or Unattainable (see “The RP Guide to Defeating the Enemy: Attraction”).
For the sake of simplicity, the sum of all these minute judgements falls down to one important conclusion she eventually aim to reach: the level of your investment.
And why is that so important to her?
Your level of investment is a rather accurate representation of other womens’ collective perception of your SMV, which she'll use this a a basis to gauge her own perceptions.
Now, for the sake of simplicity, we’ll categorize these levels of investment into two groups: an under-invested man and an over-invested man.
They are defined as such:
The under-invested man shows disinterest in any one woman as he has multiple women in tow. This, in turn, means that multiple women desire him, or implies that enough women desire him that he is sexually content, and thus must be worth her attention.
His under-invested state implies pre-selection without the need of actual, physical proof.
The over-invested man shows his interest in her in abundance, making it clear to her that his sexual encounters are few and far between. He may use sexual regalings in an attempt to convince her of his sexual prowess, though his body language and level investment prove counter; surely a man who gets as laid as he says won’t feel the need to harp about in an attempt to sleep with her?
As such, this man is clearly unsatisfied and the woman wonders for why. In light for is undesirability amongst other women, she too shies away.
Allow me to explain this further with another example.
If you saw two identical rings and I told you one was worth more, how would you discern their worth?
Let’s say Ring A and Ring B sat behind a glass display in a shop downtown and 100 customers stopped in, all looking for a ring.
Let’s also say that 78 customers looked at Ring A and 22 looked at Ring B.
From there, although not necessarily true, you could predict that Ring A is worth more. The pre-selection from the other customers lead you to conclude the value of Ring A is higher.
Okay now let’s take this a bit further.
Let’s say rings are all the rage this season, and you constantly hear people talking about them.
From those conversations, you discern that 80% of the time people mention Ring A while Ring B is only mentioned 5% of the time.
High demand usually creates or stems from a high value to the user, and if 80% of the people around you speak highly of Ring A, you could assume Ring A is worth more. Although you haven’t witnessed the pre-selection firsthand, the implication of pre-selection lead you to conclude Ring A is valued higher.
Both of these examples illustrate just how pre-selection works within this context; while the actual value of the rings was unascertainable, using the context provided by your peers, you were able to conclude which ring was worth more.
Sure people wouldn’t clamour over something of low value, as collectively people’s varying ranges of value average out.
Demand increases value which in turn increases demand. This is the basis of pre-selection, which leads to abundance mentality, which lets to under-investment, which leads to increased demand, etc.
For the sake of novelty, we’ll call this theory the “Red Spiral”; the “contentness” derived from sexual abundance in turn fuels the sexual interest and intrigue of other women.
…but what of the over-invested men?
Folliwing our previius example, let’s say the company producing Ring B noticed Ring B's lack of demand and decides to incorporate a discount sale in order to generate more sales.
But this is a mistake; the value of Ring B was already low, and by lowering its value more, consumers will believe something might be faulty or that Ring B is a counterfeit of Ring A.
The market for Ring B is now limited to those who can’t afford Ring A, those begrudgingly accept Ring B as “the runner-up” or "the next best thing".
The folly involved is this:
Low demand will lead to lowered value, which then leads to market skepticism, followed by lower demand. This is the basis of desperation, which leads to over-investment followed by skepticism, which leads to scarce mentality, which leads to lack of sexual interactions, which leads to decreased demand.
We’ll consider this theory the ”Blue Spiral”; The desperation from a lack of sexual interactions prevents future interactions and further fuels the sexual desperation.
But why then do women bother with gauging investment over raw evidence when decerning one's SMV?
We’ll use one last example.
Let’s say you’ve taken up online dating in Saudi Arabia and every woman you come across wore a hijab (one of those sheet covering their entire body).
You wouldn't know what you were dealing with, what she looked like, etc. until you actually got to the bedroom. Hell, some of them could be guys!
So you might meet them for coffee first to get a chance to check for curves under their sheets or a casual slip revealing some details of what's underneath.
You study her frame.
Quite literally, in fact. But the premise is still valid.
This is what women are doing through shit tests; by reading your body language, they are checking your "sheet" for curves they like, possibly catching a glimpse of who you really are underneath all that fabric.
Attractiveness/Physique is only half of the equation for women. You’ll need strong frame as well, which isn't inherently apparent like physicality is for men. The more she likes from what she sees underneath that sheet, the more likely she is to fuck you.
I was unfortunate enough to stumble upon one of the single most over-privileged women I’ve seen on a dating site yet.
We’ll call her “Tammy the Goddess”.
Tammy believed herself to be some sort of “divine judge”, able to cast judgement on all those who wanted her.
She attempted this “passing of judgement” by using her weapon-of-choice…
“The Questionnaire”
“Audacity is central to everything I do. A lot of times I think my work is about just seeing if I can get away with it.” -Sufjan Stevens
Item A- Tammy, late 20s, HB9 with very lovely features.
Tammy’s that type of girl that’s gorgeous and knew it. The type of girl that’s never been told “no” or “you’re wrong”. The blissfully delusional type. You know the ones.
Her profile pictures all looked professionally taken and very “curve-centric”. We’re talking 4 steps above the competition.
But here was the weird thing: her bio outright says all she’s looking for is a friend with benefits.
"Now why would this gorgeous individual feel the need to so bluntly display that her only interests are sexually driven if she knows it’ll only draw in the flies?" I asked myself.
Well whatever. It’s none of my business anyway.
So I ignore it and start up my usual “dating site” routine:
Hey sexy
What’re you looking for
Fwb (insert some heart-eyed smiley bullshit) and what about you
Then let’s get busy
Quick history lesson: In 1962, the Better Business Bureau coined the phrase, “if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” as a way to inform large companies from dealing with shady companies advertising false promises. They'd become so common that it'd become difficult to discern the real companies from the fake ones.
Now here’s a stunning woman already agreeing to sex within 2 hours and with no shit tests whatsoever. Either I’m near a lake or she’s reeks of catfish. And I don’t see a body of water nearby.
I tell her “send a pic with 7 fingers up”. I figured tht if she didn’t reply, surely she was catfishing.
But, sure enough, she sent the picture soon after. At least I know she’s real.
But wait.
This is where it gets… interesting.
After she confirms she’s the real deal, I ask her for her number. She only gives me her first three. She then says that before she can give me the other numbers, she has to ask me something first. I say “shoot”.
And then, ladies and gentlemen, I was presented with this:
FWB Questionnaire
Hello, and thank you for taking the time to complete this. I decided to have potential fwb answer these questions to see if you are what I am seeking. Just because you fill this out does not mean that we will have sex. If you are interested in possibly meeting with me please answer these questions and message me your answers.
No no, you read that right.
She’s made a questionnaire for all potential fwbs. She is literally interviewing men before she considers sleeping with them.
Again the word “Audacity” weighs heavily on my mind.
Note that she even feels the need to specify that “just because you fill this out does not mean that we will have sex”. Think about that for a second.
Needless to say, this is the most literal shit test I’ve ever seen.
1. Are you chivalrous? Yes No
Please, allow me to translate:
“Would you save me should a witch or a dragon wisk me away and lock me atop some watch tower”?
This quite literally translates to “would you consider yourself a white knight”?
And she leads with this. It's question #1. In a questionnaire about sexual promiscuity.
Just thinking of how many men will put yes to this just because they’ll think it’s what she’ll want to hear honestly makes me a bit nauseous.
”Chivilry is dead. And women killed it.” –Dave Chapelle
2. If yes, what does chivalry mean to you? (Do not give me a dictionary definition, give me examples.)
i.e. “If you’re a beta, please list ways in which you’ve displayed beta tendencies.”
There’s a level of irony in here that I fear may be lost on some of you. I personally find this second question absolutely hilarious.
And remember, no dictionary definitions. This is a test, after all.
3. Does your member measure at least 6.75 inches in girth? Yes No
What a shift from question 2.
Going from chivalry to cocks in 0.37 seconds.
And I love how she’s included –not just the size- but the exact size down to two decimal places.
“Oh, so your cock is 6.73”? I’m sorry sir, but you don’t match my very precise and calculated requirements for my explicit, sexual promiscuous desires.”
4. What are your girth measurements in inches?
Again, as gorgeous as this girl is, I know that there’s been some poor schmuck that’s sat with a tape measure around his dick trying to get his exactly girth measurements. And the fact that men’ll go that far for sexy is pathetic.
While I’m sure most men know their cock size, what men are strolling around with an accurate measurement of his girth?
I know that if I sent out a questionnaire to all my potential partners, I’d be labelled a creeper in no time. “2. Are your breasts at least 32C in cup size?”
5. Does your member measure at least 8 inches in length? Yes No
Okay, now she’s trying to weed them out. Pick out the ones she really wants.
6. What is your length measurement?
She must really be fascinated by the varying lengths and girths of the male genitalia.
7. Do you like rough sex? Yes No
Honestly this question is alright in my book. It’s the next question I have something to say about.
8. Describe what rough sex means to you.
She didn’t ask “describe your past rough sex experiences”, she asked “what does rough sex mean to you”.
9. Do you have any std's? Yes No
If a guy’s bothered to fill this out, I wouldn’t imagine he’d get to this question and think, “Damnmit I do have one of those. Guess I can’t have sex with Tammy now.”
But don’t worry. Apparently Tammy’s already thought of that:
10. If you do not have std's are you willing to provide proof that you do not? Yes No
So whomever Tammy chooses’ll definitely roll right up to her apartment, doctor’s approval in hand.
Problem solved.
Good work Tammy! You’ve solved the STD problem! Everyone, applaud for Tammy! She’s earned it.
11. Why should I choose you? (I am only looking to have one fwb relationship at the moment.)
“Well, uh, my name is Kevin, and, uh, I’m really good at sex, and uh, I made this one chick cum like 17 times in one night so, uhm, that’s why you should pick me.”
“Greetings! My name is Brad and I’d treat you like the queen you are. Sure, we’d have sex from time to time, but I’d also take you on dates, out to dinner, to the movies, whatever your heart desires. I’d be honoured to be your King.”
Anyone else feel queezy right now?
12. If I choose you, how often would you be willing to meet in a month? (I will require sex whenever necessary sometimes at a moment’s notice)
Basically, “When I want something, you’ll have to drop everything you’re doing and give it to me.”
This is sounding less like “friends with benefits” and more like “slavery”.
13. Would you be able to host for meetings? Yes No
Based on her age, It’s safe to assume she doesn’t stay on her own. That being said, she’s making all of these demands before sex yet lacks an actual sex venue. Talk about entitled.
14. How many times have you had sex in a 24 hour period on average?
2.753 times within 24 hours. She'd love it just for the decimals.
Thanks for your time!
Be careful out there, Red Pillers.
Women like Tammy, Candy, Pix, Diva and Delilah are out there, resulting from hordes of betas mindlessly supporting their despicable/deplorable actions, justifying them as “normal” just for possessing a pussy. “It’s okay because she’s hot” on a grand scale. They’re aren’t used to such a large amount of constant and endless validation through social media, dating sites and real-world interactions.
If every man they meet calls them a Goddess, tells them that they can do know wrong and automatically support every decision they make, these women soon begin to mistake their horns for halos. They begin to believe it because no one’s telling them otherwise.
Be that one, Red Pillers. Don’t stand for shit like this just for sex. Sex isn’t worth your dignity, nor is it worth making these “Goddesses” any more delusional.
-about the machiavellian-
I am RP Machiavellianism in its purest form with a touch of Sociopathy and Charm sprinkled in then baked at roughly 450 degrees for 45 minutes. I am OmLala.
The RP Machiavellian dissects the "butterfly" in order to view his world in the purest & most objective fashion possible. But in seeing the world so objectively, you rob it of a beauty only possible through ignorance and subjectivity.
That is Machiavellianism in a nutshell; everyone and everything is a butterfly to either be dissected and studied or benefited from. Most interpersonal relationships with butterflies is through the pursuit of one's own ends. Superficiality is attached to most interpersonal relationships, feigning compassion or remorse, all while displaying a facade where the thoughts and opinions of butterflies matter.
But they don't.
The mindset and perceptions of butterflies can never match that of an individual; what a butterfly fears, holds dear, considers important are petty in the eyes of the individual.
for more insight, Skype with OmLaLa the Machiavellian under username omlala2015.
the machiavellian times © 2015
"God and nature have thrown all human fortunes into the midst of mankind; and they are thus attainable rather by rapine than by industry, by wicked actions rather than by good. Hence it is that men feed upon each other, and those who cannot defend themselves must be worried."
-Niccolò Machiavelli, The Art of War