7h ago The Dark Winter
grown-ass adult men will fuck each other in the asses and truly believe that they aren't gay
If both the ahem pitchers and catchers believe this, that's gay AND self-delusional.
1d ago The Dark Winter
@Lionsmane8 See how @Vermillion-Rx gives you that "Muslim countries still stone women and condone wife beating."? He's doing what we call sportsmanship, you ignorant non-westerner.
@TitusTorquatus The ebook I read had only a couple of typos, if I remember well.
Woujo's book, Transcending the tribe is the single best book on getting into the mindset for game that I've read. Highly recommended.
5d ago Politics
Nixon himself didn't do shit, except try to cover for his friends once they did.
As above, this is really whitewashing his Presidency, but I'll leave it at that rather than belabor the point. Far more important to focus on the discrepancy between your image of Trump as Best President Since Washington, and the realities of the man, his policies, and his donors and (somewhat resulting) cabinet.
One thing I must stand corrected upon: TIL that it was not Reagan but Carter and his National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski (not incidentally, a founding member of the Trilateral Commission) who initiated the funding of the Mujahideen which later gave rise to Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban.
5d ago Politics
@SeasonedRP Kind of a Scooby-Doo Villain defense. "My Presidency would have worked perfectly if not for these darn KIDS!" I say Nixon WAS corrupt and authoritarian in many ways, but would rather agree to disagree than go to the mat over this topic.
For fun, here's a bit of immersion into the 1974 Zeitgeist. The movie The Exorcist is pretty tame by today's standards, but it was outlandish and shocking at the time. The Catholic Church went out of their way to condemn it, and theaters reported that ushers had to clean vomit out of the aisles between screenings. Here's a comedy record that I first heard on the Dr. Demento show circa 1980: Perfectly Clear- The Nixorcist.